
It was so rare that she'd never once allowed herself to contemplate the fact that it might be real. She'd relegated it to the realm of unicorns and fairies. A nice story to hear, but a total pipe dream.

Why couldn't she have been worth a love like his?

Had Matilda really appreciated what she'd been given?

I hope so. It made the tragedy of their doomed love seem less severe.

Jess cradled Abigail against him. She was shivering, and he wasn't sure why. Yeah, he could read her mind and find out, but he didn't like doing that to people. It was downright rude. And something he reserved for necessary times only.

This wasn't one of those.

A woman's mind was her own. Matilda had taught him that. It was something to be respected, as was her will. Still, it pained him to have her hurting while she was making love to him. It didn't seem right.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

The look on her face gut-punched him as she traced the line of his lips with her fingertip. It sent chills over him, but not nearly as many as the adoring look in her eyes as she stared at him. "You're already doing it."

"Well, I got a fear here that I ain't doing it right, and I don't want this to be wrong."

She smiled then. A real one that reached all the way to her eyes and warmed him to his toes. Licking her lips, she lifted herself up so that he could undo her pants. "I promise you, it's all good."

Maybe, but wrangling her pants off her was another matter entirely. She actually elbowed him in the eye as he tried to maneuver.

She gasped in horror at what she'd done as she cupped her hands around her mouth. "Oh my God, are you okay?"

He rubbed at his eye and considered knifing his Squire when he got home. "Andy needs a bigger car." Damn it. Why did pain have to intrude right now?

She laughed again. "You poor baby." She leaned forward to kiss his eye, and that drove away most of the pain.

When she leaned into the passenger seat and pulled her pants off, it took the rest of it. She had long, shapely legs that begged for a tongue bath. Another thing he couldn't do in this infernally small car.

I'm torching this thing when I get it home....

She hesitated at the waistband of her black panties. It was sheer torture for him.

"You changing your mind?" Please, don't change your mind. That'd be downright cruel, and he wasn't sure he could survive it. Not after they'd come this far.

Shaking her head, she slid them down her legs slowly. Seductively.

Dayam ...

He thought he was going to die as he saw her naked. She was exquisite. And he was so hard now, he felt like he was about to explode. Before he could catch another thought, she was back in his seat, straddling him again as if she was as eager for him as he was for her.

Ah yeah ... he could die right now without regret. This was what he'd been craving.

She raised up on her knees and pulled at his shirt.

Gladly, Jess let her strip him. He was as desperate to feel her skin on his as she was. Never in his life had he seen anything hotter or felt anything sexier than her breasts pressing against his bare flesh. He ran his hands through her hair, inhaling the scent of it as it stirred around them.

While he was far from celibate, he'd never been with a woman before who knew him. As a human, because of Bart, he'd been branded an outlaw at age thirteen. So by the time he was with a woman, he'd known better than to let her know his real identity. Or anything about him that she could tell or sell to someone out to put a bullet in him.

Then after he'd become a Dark-Hunter, he'd been expressly forbidden from telling anyone about their existence. He'd had to hide his fangs, his age.


Only Abigail knew the truth about him. And it made this moment all the hotter. There was no fear of slipping up by letting her tongue brush against his fangs. Or having to be careful when he nibbled her since she might notice his longer teeth.

For once he could be himself, and that was the most incredible feeling of all.