
It was the headiest of mixtures. One so hot that it sent her straight over the edge. Throwing her head back, she felt her body release. She lost herself to that one moment of sheer perfection.

Jess smiled as he saw and felt her climax on top of him. Her body clutched his, heightening his own pleasure. He lifted his hips, driving himself in even deeper while taking care not to bump her head against the low-hanging roof.

She cried out in ecstasy.

And he quickly joined her there. His head reeled as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through him. Yeah, he needed this a lot more than he'd thought. For the first time in weeks, his head was clear and his body calm.

Right now, he was the happiest man on the planet. That's right, all you badass punks. Bring it.

'Cause right now, he felt like he could take on anything or anyone. And he was more than ready to.

Abigail lay flat against Jess's bare chest, listening to his heart pounding under her ear. A fine sheet of sweat covered them both as she slowly came to her senses.

I'm sitting naked in a car wash surrounded by angry wasps trying to kill us ... with a man I've only known about forty hours.

Yeah, this was one for the books. And she definitely deserved the I-Have-No-Shame and What-the-Hell-Was-I-Thinking Award.

I can't believe I just did this.

But then, she'd have it no other way. She really didn't regret it. And at least I don't have to worry about getting pregnant or diseased. The one good thing about a Dark-Hunter was that they couldn't have children or carry any kind of STD or other illness.

Still, it was embarrassing. Anyone could walk in on them. Any minute. I would die if anyone did.

Jess kissed the top of her head. "We're all right, Abs. I have the doors sealed, and no one's coming."

That went over her like an ice water plunge. Her entire body locked up in horror.

"You heard that?"

"Um, yeah," he answered without reservation.

She shot up to stare at him as a new terror went through her. No ... she better be wrong.

Surely ...

"You can hear my thoughts?"

Now his gaze turned panicked. He glanced around as if trying to access some cosmic database in his head that would funnel a correct answer to him and get him out of this. "Uh..."

Good answer ...

Not. His inner computer must be on the fritz, and her fury was mounting by the heartbeat. She could absolutely kill him! This was awful. Horrible!

Why didn't he tell me?

Abigail curled her lip. Yeah, okay, she vaguely remembered seeing that ability in one of those weird psychotic flashbacks of his past, but it hadn't sunk in and stayed with her.

Now it did.

"Oh my God, you can hear my thoughts!" She was thoroughly humiliated. Anger whipped through her as she returned to her seat and snatched for her underwear. Oh, don't even get me started on the indignity of this.... She wanted to crawl under the seat and die. I should throw myself outside and let the wasps have me.

Oh wait, he can hear me. He's probably listening in right now like some psychic pervert, getting his jollies off my embarrassment.

You suck, Sundown. You. Suck.

That she hoped he could hear.

She glared at him. "Why didn't you tell me you could do that?"