
"You didn't think I was going to kill you that easily, did you?" Jess taunted. "For what you did to her, you are going to suffer every second between now and dawn. I'm going to give you pain the likes of which my mama's people were famed for. And when I finally end your life, you will thank me for it."

"Go to hell!"

Jess scoffed. "You already sent me there. It's your turn now. Give the devil my regards."

Abigail jerked out of the memory as the sound of a horn blared. Blinking, she realized she was about to plow into an oncoming truck. She jerked the wheel and headed back into her lane.

Her breathing ragged, she rubbed at her forehead. Why was she seeing Jess's memories? And she knew that was what they were. It was too vivid to be something she created. She could still smell the fire and the stench of Bart's breath mixed with his sweat.

Jess had sold his soul not to avenge himself. He'd done it for Matilda.

Her gaze clouded as she saw another image. This one was a few years later. It was just after midnight, and Jess stood inside what appeared to be a lawyer's office. A man with a handlebar mustache and parted black hair sat behind a huge mahogany desk. He wore a dark gray suit over a bright burgundy brocade vest. Over his head was a large clock that ticked so loudly, it hurt Jess's hearing.

"I'm breaking all kinds of rules here," the man said as he passed a piece of paper across the clean desk to Jess. "But I did what you asked."

"She's happy?"

The lawyer nodded. "I transferred another half million into her account so that she could buy that house and land she wanted. She now has enough to do anything she wants for the rest of her life."

A tic worked in Jess's handsome jaw. "It's not enough. Keep adding to it every year like I said originally. I don't ever want her to have anything to worry about other than what dress looks best on her."

He inclined his head to the paper Jess held. "That's an extra photograph I talked the photographer into making of her. Thought you'd like it."

There was no missing the love in his eyes, even though he kept his features completely stoic. "Does she need anything else?"

"No. She's married to a good man who owns the local mercantile."

Jess frowned as if the lawyer had said something wrong. "But?"

"I didn't say there was a but."

"She sits at her window at night and cries." Jess's tone was hollow.

"How did you-?"

"I can read your mind." Jess swallowed hard. "Thank you, Mr. Foster. I appreciate everything you've done." He went to the door and put his hat on his head before he left.

Outside, he tucked the photo into his jacket, and it was only then that she saw the moisture in his eyes.

He quickly blinked it away, then headed for his horse.

Abigail ached as she felt his pain like it was a part of her. He really had loved his Matilda.

"Stop it!" she snapped at herself. This was ridiculous. She didn't want to see Jess. Not now. She had more important things to do.

Slapping herself on the cheek, she focused her attention on the road that led her home....

* * *

Jess cursed as he lost all trace of Abigail. The GPS literally flashed bright, then vanished altogether. It looked like something had burned it out.

What the hell?

He started to dial Ren, then remembered he was in crow mode so he wouldn't be able to answer. Instead, he rang Sasha, who picked it up immediately.


"I've lost her," Jess said without preamble. "Can you give me any guidance?"