
It was either that ...

Or a tumor.

Can't get those either.

Then what was the painful throb that wouldn't let up?

Oh yeah, it was Andy.

Jess sighed. "You're right, pup. So I'll be sending you over to the Ishtar for Sin to babysit until I get back. That'll make sure nothing bad happens to you."

Now, that was a nice shade of indignation mottling the boy's skin. Quite impressive, really. If he were tea kettle, he'd be whistling like a train. "I can take care of myself."

"Not what you just said."

"That don't mean-"

"Jess, we have a problem."

He glanced past Andy's shoulder to see Ren looking as flustered as the kid. Ren joined them in the kitchen.

A huge weight of dread fell right on top of Jess. "What's wrong?"

"Abigail's gone."

There was something Jess didn't want to hear. "Excuse me?"

Ren nodded. "I went to get her from downstairs, and there's no trace of her. She must have snuck up and out while we were preparing. Damn you for a house this big. Really, folks? Was it necessary?"

Andy snorted. "You try finding a house to accommodate a dozen horses with a large basement in Vegas that's not haunted, and that you can close on in two weeks and move in. I think I did pretty damn good."

Ignoring Andy's ornery outburst, Jess cursed. Both he and Ren were still plagued with their waned powers. And he could kick himself for not watching her closer. How could he have lulled his brain into forgetting she was a prisoner they intended to sacrifice?

Hell, he'd have run, too.

Andy arched a brow at them. "Why are you two freaking out, anyway? If she's in one of your cars, which I'm sure she is, she's LoJacked."

Jess scowled. "Come again?"

"I LoJack your ass every minute of the night, cowboy. Just in case." Andy went to the wall security monitor that tapped into all their camera feeds and pulled up the garage surveillance. Then he cursed even more foully than Jess had. "Forget yours, that bitch has taste. She's in my Audi R8 Spyder."

Jess growled at him. "Watch your mouth, pup. That's a lady you're talking about."

He grumbled under his breath, questioning that category. "You wouldn't feel that way if she'd run off on one of your stinking horses."

Ren crossed his arms over his chest. "Is it LoJacked?"

"Of course," Andy said indignantly. "That's my baby. I even have a kill switch on her."

"Then stop the engine."

Andy appeared downright horrified by Ren's suggestion. "Are you out of your mind? What if someone hits it for stalling? I had that thing on order for over a year. Custom hand built. The epitome of German engineering. I even paid extra for the paint on her. Ain't no way I'm going to chance someone denting my baby. Or, God forbid, totaling it."

Jess rolled his eyes at the boy's hissy fit. If he kept that up, he'd be putting Andy back in diapers.

He turned to Ren. "You take the air. I'll get a bike." Then he focused his attention on Andy again. "And you-"

Andy held his cell phone out to him. "Have an app. Track her down, get my car back, and beat the hell out of her.... In that precise order."