
Sasha snorted. "On what? A new personality? Car buying? I'm a Wolf, cowboy, not a life counselor."

That sarcasm snapped at his tolerance. "Can you track her, Scooby, or am I asking too much of you?"

"Now, that I can do. But it would leave Choo Co La Tah unguarded. Send birdbrain back, and I'll swap off."

"Fine." Jess hung up and mumbled under his breath how much he really hated shape-shifters.

Changing lanes to avoid a slow-moving Toyota, he used his powers to talk to Ren. He'd never tried to do this before when Ren was in crow form, so he had no idea if it would even work. While his powers were starting to recover from being in the house with Ren all day, they still weren't up to their usual strength.

"Talk to me, penyo. You there?"

Luckily, Ren came back fast. "I'm here."

Jess breathed a sigh of relief. "You wouldn't happen to know where Abigail got off to, would you?"

"No. I can't track her scent and I haven't had a visual on her yet."

Figured that would be too much to ask. "Then I need you to swap duties with Sasha so that he can track her down."

"Why isn't the GPS working?"

"Twenty-million-dollar question. No answer, and I have no idea who to call to get a clue. I'll keep heading in the direction she was and hope she doesn't turn off anytime soon."

"All right. I'm flashing back. Will get Sasha to you ASAP."

Jess slowed down and tried to use his own abilities to track her. He didn't really have that power, but ... At this point, he was willing to try most anything.

Why? The bad feeling in his gut that said if he didn't find her quick, something awful would happen to her. It had nothing to do with needing to get her to the Valley to save the world. This was something else entirely. Something that made him desperate to locate her.

"Hang on, Abby. I'm coming."

* * *

Abigail slowed as she reached the modest home she shared with Hannah in Henderson. She cringed a bit as she scraped the front of the car on the angle of the aggregate driveway. Hope Jess doesn't love this thing.

He might kill her after all.

She parked outside and headed for the front door. But as she neared it, a strange red haze seemed to drop down over everything. It was like she was staring out of a pair of red glasses. She heard that strange thrumming sound again-the same she'd heard when they put the demon blood in her.

Like she was listening to the heartbeat of the world.

Shaking her head, she forced herself forward.

"If something's happened to her, Kurt, I swear I'll never forgive you."

"Shut up, Hannah, and sit down."

She knew they were inside the house, but she could hear them as clearly as if they were standing beside her. More than that, she could see them sitting at the table with Jonah.

"We know where Sundown lives," Hannah said. "Why can't we go get her?"

Kurt curled his lip. "Are you out of your mind? We march into a Dark-Hunter's home and do what? Tell him to hand her over?"

She lifted her chin defiantly. "Yes."

Looking up from the laptop where he was working, Jonah rolled his eyes. "I'm really sick of you two fighting. Take your sister out of here while I do this."

His voice ...