One Silent Night(60)

But not nearly as much as he hated himself.

"At least you'll be safe." He'd left her plenty of money. "And if you hate me, at least you won't miss me." He let his tears fall as he leaned his head against the door and clutched at the knob, desperate to open it and return to her.

If only he could.

He took her tile from his purse and looked at her face before he gave it one last kiss, then turned and walked away.

Zephyra gasped as Stryker pulled out of her mind and left her with the lasting image of him clutching her tile in his hand as he turned and left their cottage.

She narrowed her gaze on him. "Your father was going to have me raped?"

"It's what he said. I had no reason to think he was joking."

Her anger vanished under a wave of astonishment. "You were protecting me."

"It's what I've been trying to get through to you. Why else would I have left you when you were the very thing I lived for?"

Angry at the world, she kneed him in the side.

"Ow!" he snapped. "What was that for?"

"For being such an asshole. You ever keep a secret from me like that again and I swear I'll gut you over it."

"You were fourteen," he said defensively. "I thought if I told you what my father threatened, you'd be terrified."

He was right. Especially given the fact that she'd been attacked before him. That was why she'd loved him so much. He'd kept her safe, and it was why she'd hated him for leaving. Fear of being on her own, of not being able to protect herself or Medea . . .

That was also why she had merged with the gallu. She'd wanted the strength to protect her daughter. To make sure no man ever forced himself on her.

Still angry, she slapped at his chest. "I could beat you senseless."

One side of his mouth quirked up. "I told you to feel free so long as you did it naked. Like this, I'm at your mercy."

Zephyra's cheeks colored as she became aware of the fact that she was straddling him. How could she have forgotten that?

His gaze darkened. She took in his entire naked body. He was ripped and gorgeous. Absolute perfection.

And he'd proclaimed himself at her mercy. Leaning forward, she breathed in his ear, "You are insufferable."

Stryker sucked his breath in sharply as she tongued his lobe, sending chills over him. Her actions were so tender and loving while she continued to insult him. He couldn't help but laugh.

"You find me funny?"

"I find you delectable." He moved to suckle her breast. "Wonderful and delicious."

She sucked her breath in sharply. "You're a sick man to love a woman who hates you."

"If I am, then I want no cure."

She shook her head at his teasing tone. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Just hold me. Let me love you the way I should have all along."

She moaned as he drove himself deep inside her body with one full, hard thrust. Gods, how good he felt. In his arms, it was hard to remember why she was supposed to hate him.

Maybe because she didn't really hate him after all. As he'd said, they were soul mates. Partners. Without him, she'd been incomplete, and now that she had him back . . .

It was wonderful.