One Silent Night(59)

Frowning, she'd frozen in place. "I don't like your tone, Strykerius."

She'd never liked to hear sternness in his voice. It was why he'd tried so hard to never show her that side of himself. "I know, but what I have to say can't wait."

She'd flounced to stand by his side and smooth the scowl on his face with her delicate fingers. "You look so serious."

His tongue had felt so thick in his mouth that he feared it would choke him. All he wanted was to pull her into his arms and hold her forever.

Instead he was going to break both their hearts.

It has to be done. An image of her being attacked tore through him with a ferocity so raw it made him flinch. He had no doubt his father would carry out that threat.

Taking a deep breath for courage, he forced himself to speak. "I'm leaving."

"That's fine, akribos. When will you be back?"

He placed his hands on her upper arms to steady himself. "I won't be back. Ever."

The light had gone out of her eyes and struck him like a fist in his gullet. "What?"

"My father has a wedding for me planned tomorrow. If I don't leave and divorce you tonight, he'll kill you and the baby."

Rage had twisted her beautiful features into the mask of a gorgon. "What!" she roared. She shoved him away from her.

He'd reached out toward her. "I'm sorry, Phyra. I have no choice."

She'd slapped his touch away. "Yes, you do. We all have choices."

"No, we don't. I won't stay here and watch you die."

She sneered as she raked him with a repugnant curl of her lips. "You're a worthless coward."

That had set his own anger off. "No, I'm not."

She slapped him hard across the face. "You're right. Being a coward would be a step up for you."

Stryker had stood there, his cheek stinging as she railed against him. He couldn't even really hear all the insults. Only the words "pathetic," "worthless," and "coward" rang in his ears over and over again.

"I'm doing this to protect you and the baby. I'll make sure you're both taken care of."

"There is no baby," she spat at him. "I miscarried it."

He staggered back. "When?"

"This morning."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just did. So don't worry about it. There's no baby in need of a coward for a father."

"I'm not a coward!"

She shoved him again. "Get out of my sight, you pathetic excuse for a man. I don't want you here. Gods, I can't believe I was stupid enough to let you into my bed. Stupid enough to trust you."

"I love you, Phyra."

She'd grabbed a bowl from the table and flung it at his head. "Liar! You disgust me!" She'd literally beat him out of the door and then slammed it shut in his face. But not before she hurled her wedding ring at him.

Stryker had stood on the other side as he listened to her breaking and throwing things inside. He splayed his hand against the wood, wanting desperately to open the door. But why bother? She hated him now.