One Silent Night(62)

"And what?" Stryker growled from between clenched teeth.

Davyn swallowed hard. "War brought in reinforcements."

No shit. Why would that cause him to be so afraid? It was only to be expected. The surprise would have been for him to continue fighting alone. "We can get the-"

"They captured Medea."

Zephyra shot up in the bed, fully alert as a wave of rage singed him. "They what?"

"Took Medea," Davyn repeated, his voice hollow. He met Stryker's gaze and the shame in his eyes would have touched Stryker had he not been so angry at the man. "War wants you to surrender to him or he will kill her."

Stryker's curse matched Zephyra's. "Rally our men," Stryker ordered.

Zephyra caught his arm as he started to leave the bed. "We can't fight him. He'll kill her."

Davyn nodded. "She's right. War was clear. He wants you to come alone or her life is forfeit."

Stryker ground his teeth as he hated himself for putting his own daughter in harm's way. He met Zephyra's gaze and saw the fear that hid behind her anger. "I started this and I will finish it. I swear to the gods that I won't let him hurt her."

"You'd better both return. I don't like funerals." Her tone was a quiet whisper in the darkness.

Stryker pulled her close and kissed her forehead. No words had ever meant more to him. "Don't worry. I've buried bigger assholes than this and I intend to laugh on that bastard's grave."

NICK COCKED HIS HEAD AS HE FELT A FOREIGN sensation flutter over his skin-like a delicate butterfly's wings dancing against his flesh. He turned quickly to find a woman behind him. Tiny and lithe, she held a power to her that warned him she was as lethal as she was beautiful. "Who are you?"

An evil smile played at the edges of her lips. "Call me Ker. War sent me to tell you that we hold the goddess Menyara. If you want her returned, you're to come unarmed and alone to the St. Louis Cemetery at midnight."

He scoffed at her. "Rather cliche, isn't it?"

"Not really." She vanished.

Nick sat down slowly as he watched the skin on his arm change to the now familiar red and black pattern. He was stronger than he'd ever been before. His power felt absolute . . . if he knew how to control it. But the problem was, the strength was followed by great weakness. He could feel it, he just couldn't really utilize it.

His heart heavy, he looked around the room of the tiny house Menyara had called home since the days of his childhood. Drawings and statues of ancient gods and goddesses were littered about and now he saw the writings of protection on the walls that had been invisible to his human sight. This was where she'd kept him safe . . . as a child and as the monster he'd become.

The humble shotgun shack was hardly fit for a goddess, yet this had been Menyara's abode of choice. And it was here she'd partially raised him alongside his mother.

Wincing, he saw his mother's lifeless body in his mind. Felt her cold flesh as he'd tried to revive her. Her blood had soaked him as his world shattered in one hollowed-out heartbeat. He didn't know if he'd ever be the same again. The anger. The hurt. The betrayal. It was all still fresh. Still biting.

"I miss you, Mom," he whispered as bitter agony washed through him. She'd died because of him and him alone. He knew that. He just didn't want to face that fact.

Now Menyara's life was in his hands.

He could either swallow his pride and save her or he could charge in and watch her die . . .

The choice was his alone to make.

ASH STOOD ON THE BALCONY OF SAVITAR'S walkway, which overlooked the great hall below. Hidden by shadows, he watched as Tory, Danger, and Simi laughed while they ate ice cream sundaes. Indescribable emotions tore through him. But the one thing he could name was the feeling of warmth he had every time he saw them. The feeling of family.

Not once in his life had he ever thought to have this sensation of peace and happiness. To know the gentle touch of a woman who truly loved him. A touch he could trust to never turn painful or brutal. Truly, it was a miracle.

Tory looked up as if she sensed him and smiled a smile that struck him like a hammer. He took a step forward, then froze as he felt the last presence he would have ever expected.


Ash didn't move as he sensed Nick at his back and waited for him to attack.

He didn't. Instead, Nick let out a deep breath before he spoke in a low, lethal tone. "I trusted you, you bastard, and you let me down."