Night Embrace(48)

That was her one major vice. Sunshine had never been able pass up Chunky Monkey.

"The power of temptation was just too much, Selena. I couldn't resist it. He was a Chunky Monkey container and all I could think was, 'Someone give me a spoon.' "

"Oh, good grief," Selena said.

"Yeah. It was weird. I was here, he was here, and then he said, 'Let's do it,' and the next thing I knew, the spoon was in my hand and I was going for it."

Selena made a disgusted noise. "Please tell me no one was using a spoon."

Sunshine smiled devilishly. "No, no spoon, but there was a whole lot of licking going on."

"Oh, oh, oh! You're killing me. Don't go there."

Sunshine laughed. "I can't stop myself. He was so hot that I feel this deep need to share his spectacular hotness with you."

Selena snorted at her. "Are you at least going to see him again?"

"No, unfortunately not. I didn't even get his last name."

"Sunshine! Girl, you are nuts."

"Yeah, I know. It was just a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing."

"Sheez, are you okay, though? He didn't hurt you or anything?"

"Oh no, not at all. It was the best day of my life. Freaky, ain't it?"

"Ah jeez, Sunny. I can't believe you did this. You've been hanging around all those weird friends of yours so much that you're picking up their bad habits. Bringing home stray men you don't even know. Next thing you know, you'll be dancing naked on tabletops... Oh wait, that was me."

Sunshine laughed. "Don't worry. It'll never happen again. You know me, I do date occasionally, but I usually spend at least a few normal, boring days with a guy before we rock the house down. Of course, no one ever rocked my house down the way this guy did. He leveled the mother to its foundations."

Selena shrieked. "I can't believe you keep telling me this."

Sunshine laughed at the tortured angst in Selena's voice as she continued to tease her. "I can't believe I spent the day in bed with this guy, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I'm telling you, these were the best eighteen hours of my life."

"Jeez, you didn't even know him a whole day?"

"Well, I know him now. Every last yummy inch of him. By the way, he had a lot of inches."

"Stop it, Sunny," Selena begged, her voice cracking with laughter. "I can't take any more. I don't need to know the sexual athlete of all time is running around New Orleans and I'm married to the lawyer. This is so cruel."

Sunshine laughed again. "Well, Bill is nice, in a very Bill sort of way."

"Oh gee, thanks, now you're ripping on my Bill."

"I'm sorry. You know I love Bill, but this guy was really, really great." Sunshine, dragging the heavy, psychedelic phone in her wake, crossed the kitchen toward her fridge to get some guava juice. Teasing Selena was fun, but oddly enough there was a part of her that was extremely sad Talon had left.

He really had been a lot of fun and not just in the bed, or on the floor, or on the other five thousand places where they'd had sex. He'd been fun to talk to too.

Best of all, he hadn't lost his patience with her.

She opened the fridge, then laughed again.

"What?" Selena asked.

Sunshine saw Talon's prized Snoopy Pez dispenser standing up, looking straight at her. She couldn't believe it.

So that was what he'd been doing in the fridge while she was in the shower. No wonder he had looked uncomfortable when she caught him.