Night Embrace(46)

"Psycho-ass?" Zarek repeated. "Hmm, I like that."

Acheron ignored Zarek. "Nick-"

"It's all right, Greek," Valerius interrupted. "I would rather die than have his plebeian help anyway."

"Make that three votes, then," Zarek said. "I would rather he died too. Now all together, let's vote this asshole off the island."

Talon hid his amusement and wondered how much longer it would be before Acheron splintered Zarek and Valerius into itty-bitty Dark-Hunter pieces.

Maybe he should tell Nick to get a dustpan ready. The look on Acheron's face said the wait wouldn't be much longer.

"Fine, then," Acheron said to Nick. "Call Eric St. James and have him resume Barnacle Squire status for Valerius should Valerius need anything."

Nick nodded. "Can I have him cover Zarek too? I still have school to worry about."

Before Acheron could answer, Valerius sneered, "I will not work with a slave as an equal nor will I share a servant with him."

Zarek's nostrils flared. "Trust me, boy, we're not equal. You're so far beneath me that I would sooner sit in shit than let you wipe my ass."

Talon caught Valerius before he reached Zarek.

He exchanged looks with Acheron. "This is going to be fun, isn't it? Constantly separating the two of them while fighting off the Daimons. Should we just forget the whole thing and hole up in our homes until it's over?"

But even more discouraging was the knowledge that if Kyrian found out Valerius was in the city, he would make Zarek's attack look like a loving embrace. And since Kyrian was no longer a Dark-Hunter, his powers wouldn't be dampened by Artemis's restriction. He would have free rein to kill the Roman.

Acheron sighed irritably. "I'm almost ready to agree with you." He turned to Valerius. "Go patrol your districts."

Valerius gave him a rather sarcastic Roman salute, then turned on his heel and left them.

The air between them warmed up considerably. Hell, Zarek even looked almost... tolerable. A noticeable amount of tension left the man's body.

"Am I staying with you and Kyrian or Nick?" Zarek asked.

Acheron fell quiet while he fished a key out of his jacket pocket. "We thought it best that you have your own place. I had Nick rent a townhouse for you over on Dauphin Street. He painted the windows black and made sure they were all blocked from daylight."

Zarek's face returned to stone and his black eyes blazed. For some reason, the man was furious as he snatched the key from Acheron's hand and turned to leave.

"I'll have Nick show you where it is," Acheron said.

"I don't need anyone to show me a damn thing," Zarek snarled. "I'll find it on my own."

After Zarek stalked off, Nick grimaced. "I know," he said to Acheron. " 'Nick, go after psycho-ass and show him where he lives.' But might I point out that in doing this, I should qualify for hazard pay?"

Acheron arched a brow. "Might I point out that staying here with me is far more hazardous to your health?"

Nick feigned surprise. "What? Am I still here? Oh no, sorry, thought I'd left ten minutes ago."

He sprinted off after Zarek.

Once they were alone, Talon raked a hand through his hair. "Some nights it's not worth getting up, is it?"

"You've no idea." Acheron let out a long, deep breath as if he were expelling all the tension in his body.

"So tell me, T-Rex, what did you do to Artemis to make her dump this on you?"

As expected, Acheron said nothing. To Talon's knowledge, he had never divulged anything personal about himself or the exact nature of his relationship with the goddess.

"Walk with me, Talon."