Night Embrace(49)

How adorable.

"Awww, he left me his Snoopy Pez dispenser on top of the soy cheese."

"What?" Selena asked.

"Nothing," Sunshine said, taking the cold plastic toy into her hand. "It's an inside joke."

"Oh, don't tell me you did something with the cheese."

"No, we just ate it. Jeez, Selena, get your mind out of the gutter. Not everything has to do with sex."

"Well, with the two of you it does. The basis of your whole entire relationship seems to be nothing but sex... Oh wait, it's only been eighteen hours since you met him. Does that qualify as a relationship?"

"Believe me, the way he does sex, it counts. Besides, he did leave me his Pez dispenser."

"Ooo," Selena teased, "he's bodacious and generous. What a guy."

"Hey now, be fair to my bodacious biker. It's a valuable Pez dispenser. A 1960-something collector's item."

"Yeah, but did he leave you his phone number?"

"Well no, but he did put Snoopy on the top shelf so I would find it."

"Enough said. Case closed. You're still riding the loser train when Snoopy becomes something valuable."

"Okay, fine, Selena, you're bringing me down from my love fest and I'm losing my afterglow. It's been ten months since I last slept with a guy and it'll probably be forever and a day before another one who's not gay darkens my doorstep, so let me go back to work where I can bask in the after-greatness of my afternoon."

"Okay, sweetie. I'll call you later. I was just concerned. You go back to work and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, thanks. Bye."

Sunshine hung up the phone and looked down at the Snoopy in her hand. She laughed.

Talon might not be perfect, he might even occasionally screw up and get run down by a Mardi Gras float, but he had been a great guy, and great guys were hard to come by in this day and age.

It was a pity she'd never see him again. But then, she wasn't the kind of woman to mope over what could have been. She was an artist with a good career that she had worked very hard for.

A serious relationship with someone wasn't something she was looking for right now.

She liked living alone. Loved having the freedom to just pick up and go whenever and wherever she wanted to. Her brief marriage in her early twenties had schooled her well on what a man expected from a wife.

She had no intention of ever revisiting that fiasco.

Talon had been a fun afternoon diversion, but that was all he was. Her life would now go on just as it always had.

Her heart lighter at the thought of him, she took Snoopy into her bedroom and set him on the nightstand by the bed.

Sunshine smiled. She'd never had a memento before. But that's what Snoopy was to her. A token reminder of a wonderful day.

"Have a nice life, Talon," she said, turning off the light by the bed before she headed back to her work. "Maybe someday we might meet again."

It was just after one a.m. when Talon found himself outside the club Runningwolf's on Canal Street. He'd tried to tell himself that he was here because Daimons were often found hanging in and around clubs where drunken humans made easy pickings.

He'd tried to tell himself that he was just doing his job.

But as he looked up at the dark windows above the club and wondered if Sunshine was up there in her bed or if she was at her easel painting, he knew better.

He was here because of her.