Devil May Cry(124)

When she was finished, he rose up to pull her close against his chest.

Kat couldn't breathe as Sin entered her again. He held her pinned to the wall as he thrust against her. Her entire body burned and his last made her hungry. Holding him close, she sank her fangs into his neck. She was so weak, it was all she could do to stand. How he had any energy left, she didn't know. But it didn't take him long until he was growling in her ear as his own release took him.

"You are insatiable," she panted as she released him.

"I was a fertility god, remember? We tend to be that way."

She laughed. "I can certainly see why women would worship you." She laid a gentle kiss to his cheek. "But don't let that go to your head."

"Don't worry. I know you better than that. I'm sure you'll be cutting me down to size any moment now."

Kat gave him a squeeze before she withdrew and finished her bath.

As soon as they were finished with the shower, Sin called Damien, Kish, and the two Charonte into his room.

Simi squealed the instant she saw Kat. "Ooo Akra-Kat you're back!"

"I am, Simi, how have you been?"

"Really good. We've been doing lots of shopping." She held out her hands to show Kat that each finger held a new ring. "Did you know there were stores here in the casino? Xirena and the Simi has been shopping like the demons that we are."

Kish scoffed. "Yeah. Their room looks like a warehouse." Simi tossed her hair over her shoulder. "And I like warehouses.

They have lots of good stuff in them."

"Which is why I introduced them to the Container Store's Web site." Kish winked.

"Ooo," Simi cooed, "we loves that too. They have lots of boxes to hold the Simi's QVC and sparklies."

Sin cleared his throat. "Yeah and I hate to interrupt but we're facing an even bigger crisis than stockpiling demon wear." He turned to Kat. "Show them the underground layout."

Kat used her powers to draw the cavern diagram in the air.

"According to Xypher, Kessar sleeps here." She marked an X down one corridor. "He holds court and plans strategy with the other demons here." It was the corridor furthest from his sleeping chamber. "The Dimme are back here." Which looked like a round chamber quite a ways from where Kessar slept.

"Now the problem is he's intending to move all the gallu to the Dimme area and have forty humans there as sacrifice to them. While the Dimme are chowing down on the humans, he intends to propose an alliance between them. If the Dimme agree to the alliance, they and the gallu are coming for us as a united force."

Damien frowned. "If they refuse?"

"He plans to let them bust a large hole to the surface for all the gallu to run out and then kill the Dimme before they can leave the cavern."

Kish duplicated Damien's scowl. "Can Kessar do that?"

"Don't know," Kat said with a sigh. "The Tablet doesn't work on Simi or Xirena." She looked at Sin. "Would it work on a Sumerian demon?"

He shrugged. "The only people to know that would be Anu or Enlil and they're dead."

"Which is not useful to us," Damien said sarcastically.

Kish let out an aggravated breath. "Can't we just nuke these bastards in the ground?"

Sin scoffed. "Nuclear testing is what started freeing them. It's mother's milk to their kind."

"But if you can burn them ...?"

"Burning is a separate process. It's not the same as the bomb. Different molecular something or other. I'm an ex-fertility god, not a scientist. All I know is nuclear bombs don't work, but fire does."

"Then someone get some napalm," Kish said.