Devil May Cry(122)

What the hell was he talking about? "Who what?"

"Who are you going to?"

Suddenly everything was clear to her. His demeanor, his anger. Everything. "Oh, good grief, Sin, you couldn't possibly think I was really going to find someone else. I didn't remain chaste for eleven thousand years to start sleeping around now. Believe me, if there's one thing I am, it's capable of controlling myself. So put that jealousy back in its box and cover it with a stainless-steel lid. Nail it shut and stick it where the sun never shines. I don't ever want to see this side of you again."

He stepped back. "Well, what am I supposed to think? You don't look any worse for the wear."

"Wear of what?"

He looked away from her. "Never mind."

She stopped him before he entered the shower. "Do you think this week was easy on me?"

He raked her with a sneer. "You look pretty unscarred."

She growled at him. "Boy, you better be glad you're stunning when you're naked or I'd skin you for that. I've been through utter hell this week because of you. Do you think I wanted to come crawling back here only to have you tell me to get lost again? I know it's hard for you to believe, but I do have my pride, and you've kicked it for the last time."

His face brightened. "You missed me?"

And that just irritated her more. "Is that all you got out of what I just said?"

"No, but it's what I need to know the answer to."

She let out a frustrated breath. "Yes, Sin. I missed you. I've mourned for you. I've

hated you. I've wanted to sic Simi on you with barbecue sauce and I've done nothing but think about how much I just want to hold you... and yes, I've missed every part of you, from that annoying little sound you make when you're irritated to the way you hold on to me when we sleep. Now are you happy?"

His golden eyes sparkled. "I'm delirious." He kissed her again.

Kat pulled back and shook her head. "You know, I'm starting to feel like a yo-yo here. Either you want me or you don't. You have to stop playing with me, because I can't take it."

"I want you here with me, Katra. I do. I've barely been able to function this week."

She cocked her head. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," he breathed. "You're twice the distraction when you're gone as you are when you're here."

She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but she was willing to take it. Pleased by his rancor, she wrinkled her nose at him. "Well, in that case, get a bath. You're kind of smelly."

"No, I'm not."

She held her hand up with her forefinger and thumb about an inch apart. "Just a little."

He snorted. "Fine." He opened the shower and stepped in. To his delight, Kat followed him inside and took the cloth from his hand before she began washing his back.

"So what did you find out about Kessar?" he asked over his shoulder.

"The only thing he fears is a woman named Ravanah."

Sin gave her a duh-stare. "She's not a woman. She's another demon."

"Is she a living demon?"

"There's some speculation that she is alive and well, but no one has heard from her for centuries."

"Is she gallu?"

"Oh no. She's unique to herself."