Devil May Cry(125)

Kat ignored him. "Question? Why haven't they established themselves on earth? Seriously. If they can get out in small groups, why haven't they nested on the surface before now?"

"They have." Sin stepped closer to her diagram to study it while he talked. "Acheron and I have been going after them whenever we find them. Kessar has stayed underground because he has protection there. They're stronger on their home soil which is what the caverns have become for them."

"Plus there's safety in numbers," Damien added. "Out here they're controlled since they are killed within no time of leaving their territory. In the caverns..."

"There are thousands of them to fight," Sin added. "Even going after the Dimme in there is suicide."

Kat laughed. "Who wants to live forever?"

Kish put his hand up. "For the record, I do."

Sin scowled at him. "Then why do you irritate me so often?"

"Suicidal tendencies are inherent in my species?"

Kat ignored their banter as she stared on the opposite side of Sin. "It's like Kytara said, isn't it? We need an army."

Sin shook his head. "Yeah, well, we're a little short-handed. The Dark-Hunters can't unite to fight without weakening each other. The Greek gods could care less and those who care are dead. Except for us."

Damien nodded. "And we will most likely die in a good cause."

"Yeah," Sin said slowly. "Kessar has been battering me all week in my dreams and I'm exhausted from it. What we need is a miracle."

Kish quickly added, "Or at the very least a plan that doesn't end with my death."

Kessar growled as he dragged Xypher away from his throne in chains.

Xypher fought against his restraints. He wasn't in corporeal form. How the demon had managed to capture him, he had no idea. But he didn't like it and if he got free, he was going to tear the bastard limb from limb. He looked at Zakar who refused to meet his gaze.

Had the dream god managed to sell him out? It was what he deserved for trying to free him. How many times was he going to let someone betray him before he learned? People were always assholes only out for themselves. Damned be everyone else.

Zakar was the only way Kessar could have found him. Zakar was the only one he'd allowed to see him. So much for trying to help him.

A demon female grabbed him and sank her fangs into his thigh. Xypher hissed in pain. He tried to knock her away, but Kessar jerked the chain on his hands back so that he couldn't reach her.

She pulled back in confusion as she spat his blood on the ground. "He doesn't taste right."

"I'm not alive, bitch. My blood is thicker because it doesn't pump through my body like a human's."

Kessar kicked him in the ribs. "Thank you for the science lesson."

The female wiped her hand across her bloodied lips. "What good is he to us? Kill him."

Kessar studied him as if he were an insect. "If he's dead, I don't think we can."

Xypher tipped his finger to him. "Score one for the genius."

This time, Kessar kicked him hard in the back. Xypher grunted, wishing pain was banned after death. But what the hell? He was used to it.

"So what are you doing here?" Kessar demanded. "Spying for Sin?"

"Who the hell is Sin?"

Kessar kicked him again-oh he was going to enjoy ripping that bastard's throat out. "Don't be coy. You're here to spy and the only one with a vested interest in this place is Sin."

"Not true," Xypher said slowly. "I was just skimming through when I noticed there's a lot of angry people here. A Skotos could live a long time on say, you, alone."

Kessar bent over him and when he did, Xypher saw what he needed. The Tablet medallion.