Dance with the Devil(131)

Their relationship was sick and well he knew it.

Unfortunately, he had no choice in the matter.

But if he could ever break free of her, he would run as fast as he could. She knew it as well as he did.

It was why she held on to him so tightly.

Apollo raked him with a grimace. "Tsoulus."

Ash stiffened at the ancient Greek insult. It wasn't the first time he'd been called that. As a human being, he had answered to it defiantly, with a sick kind of glee.

The only thing that really hurt was the knowledge that eleven thousand years later, it was every bit as applicable to him as it had been then.

Only now he didn't revel in the title.

Now it cut him soul deep.

Artemis grabbed her brother by the ear and pulled him toward the door. "Get out," she snarled as she shoved him outside and slammed the door.

She turned back to face Acheron.

Ash hadn't moved. The insult still smoldered deep inside him.

"He's an idiot."

Ash didn't bother to contradict her. He agreed completely.

"Simi, take human form."

Simi floated out of his sleeve to manifest beside him. "Yes, akri?"

"Protect Zarek and Astrid."

"No!" Artemis snapped. "You can't let it go, it might tell Zarek everything that happened."

"Then let her. It's time he understood."

"Understood what? Do you want him to know the truth about you?"

Ash felt a wave go through him and he knew his eyes flashed from silver to red. Artemis stepped back, further proving they had.

"It was the truth about you that I kept from him," Ash said between clenched teeth.

"Was it, Acheron? Was it truly about me or did you erase his memories of that night because you were afraid of what he'd think about you?"

The wave deepened.

Ash held his hand up to silence Artemis before it was too late and his powers took control of him. It had been too long since he had last fed and he was too volatile to control himself.

If they continued to fight, there was no telling what he might do.

He looked to Simi who waited beside him. "Simi, don't speak to Zarek but make sure Thanatos doesn't kill either one of them."

"Tell it not to kill Thanatos, too."

Ash started to argue, then stopped. They didn't have time, nor did he have a tight enough grip on himself. If Thanatos killed Zarek and Astrid, life would be a lot more complicated for everyone.

"Don't kill Thanatos, Simi. Now, go."