Dance with the Devil(129)

But then, Artemis didn't control everything.

Using her limited powers, Astrid "helped" the signal.

Ash jerked awake the instant his phone rang. Out of habit, he rolled over in bed to reach for his backpack, only to remember where he was and that he wasn't allowed to answer his phone while in Artemis's temple.

Come to think of it, his phone shouldn't be ringing at all. It wasn't as if there was a cell tower on Olympus to carry the signal.

Which meant it had to be coming from Astrid...

But if Artemis caught him talking to the nymph, she'd go ballistic on him and recant their deal. Not that he cared what she did to him, but he wasn't about to unleash Artemis's temper on Astrid.

Grinding his teeth, he pulled his phone out and let his voice mail answer it while he listened to the message.

What he heard made his eyesight dim.

It wasn't Astrid. It was Zarek.

"Dammit, Acheron, where are you?" Zarek growled, then a few seconds of silence followed. "I... I need your help."

Ash's stomach tightened as he heard the four words he'd never expected Zarek to utter.

It must be bad for the ex-slave to ever admit he needed anything from anyone. Especially him.

"Look Acheron, I know I'm a dead man and I don't care. I'm not sure how much you know about my situation, but there's someone with me. Her name is Astrid and she says she's a justice nymph. This thing, Thanatos, is after me and he's already killed one Dark-Hunter tonight. I know if he gets his hands on Astrid he'll kill her, too. You have to protect her for me, Acheron... please. I need you to come get her and keep her safe while I fight Thanatos. If you won't do it for me, then do it for her. She doesn't deserve to die because she tried to help me."

Ash sat up in bed. He held the phone so tight it bit fiercely into his hand.

He wanted to answer it. But didn't dare. Fury and pain surged through him.

How dare Artemis betray him yet again.

Damn her for it.

He should have known she wouldn't pen Thanatos up as she had promised. What was one more life extinguished to her?

Nothing. Nothing mattered to her except what she wanted.

But he cared. He cared in a way Artemis would never comprehend.

"I'm at my cabin with Spawn's phone. Call me. We need to get her out of here as soon as possible."

The phone went dead.

Ash threw back the blankets and willed his clothes onto his body. Furious, he shoved the phone into his backpack and threw open the bedroom doors with a clatter.

Artemis sat on her throne with her twin brother, Apollo, standing in front of her.

They both jumped as he entered.

No wonder Artemis had told him he needed to rest.

She knew better than to let him and Apollo be in the same room together. They got along even "better" than Artemis and Simi did.

Apollo charged him.

Ash threw out his hand and knocked the god back. "Stay away from me, Sunshine-boy. I'm in no mood for you today."

Ash headed for the door only to find Artemis blocking his way again. "What are you doing?"