Dance with the Devil(130)

"I'm leaving."

"You can't."

"Out of my way, Artemis. In the mood I'm in, I just might hurt you if you continue to stand there."

"You swore you would stay here for two weeks. If you leave Olympus, you will die. You cannot break your word, you know that."

Ash closed his eyes and cursed at the one tiny thing he'd forgotten in his anger. Unlike those of the Olympian gods, his oath was binding. Once he uttered an oath, he was bound by it no matter how much he willed it otherwise.

"What is he doing here?" Apollo growled. "You told me he didn't come here anymore."

"Shut up, Apollo," he and Artemis said in unison.

Ash glared at Artemis as she took a step back. "Why did you lie to me about Thanatos? You told me he had been penned again."

"I didn't lie."

"No? Then why was he loose in Alaska last night, killing my Dark-Hunters, after you told me you had him penned again?"

"He killed Zarek?"

He curled his lip. "Wipe that hopeful look off your face. Zarek is alive, but someone else was killed."

Her face fell. "Who?"

"How would I know? I'm stuck up here with you."

She stiffened at the way he said that. "I told the Oracles to pen him after Dion had freed him. I assumed they had done so."

"Then who let him out this time?"

They both turned to look at Apollo.

"I didn't do it," Apollo snapped. "I don't even know where you house that creature."

"You better not have done it," Ash growled.

Apollo gave him a snide smirk. "You don't scare me, human. I killed you once, I can do it again."

Ash smiled slowly, coldly. That was then, this was now, and they played on a whole new field with a brand-new set of rules he would give just about anything to introduce to the god. "Please try."

Artemis stepped between them. "Apollo, leave."

"What about him?"

"He's not your concern."

Apollo looked as if they both repulsed him. "I can't believe you allow something like him into your temple."

Her face flushing, Artemis looked away, too embarrassed to say anything to her brother.

It was what Ash expected of her.

Ashamed of him and their relationship, Artemis had always tried to keep Ash away from the other Olympians as much as she could. For centuries now, the other gods knew he came to see her. Gossip abounded over what they did together and how long he stayed with her, but Artemis had never confirmed a relationship between them. Had never deigned to touch him in the presence of any other person.

Odd how even after eleven thousand years it still bothered him that he was her dirty little secret. That after everything they had shared and done, she could hardly stand to look at him whenever others were around.

And yet she bound him to her and refused to let him go.