Bad Moon Rising(90)

"That has an extremely complicated answer. Now-"

His words were interrupted by a harsh scream. Fang cursed as he realized it came from the same general area where he'd been headed.

It was the demon. He could feel it. The one thing he'd learned in the Nether Realm was how to sense one anytime it was near. The stench and chill were unmistakable. And his new mark was burning like fire.

"Please, Aimee. Go."

As expected, she refused. She even rushed ahead of him toward the scream's origin.

Fang shook his head in disgust as he flashed himself to the demon in a dark alley, narrowly appearing there before Aimee. Wasn't it mules who were supposed to be so stubborn? Obviously someone had missed the memo on bears.

He pulled up short as he caught sight of the mountain of a beast. At least seven feet tall, the demon had flowing black hair and eyes that held no discernible pupil or white in his eyes. They were jet stones set in a face that was contorted by the pleasure he took in causing pain.

The human looked to be in her midtwenties. Pretty and tiny, she was dressed in a blue restaurant uniform. Her face had been torn open by the demon's claws. She sobbed and begged for help while the demon held her there by her dark hair.

As soon as Phrixis realized he wasn't alone, he released her and turned toward Fang.

Extending the sword, Fang flashed himself between the human and Phrixis. "Get her out of here."

Aimee nodded as she wrapped her arms around the hysterical human and carried her away from the danger.

Phrixis laughed as he raked a repugnant sneer over Fang's body. "What pathetic creature are you?"

"Pathetic's really not a word that applies to me."

"No?" Phrixis blasted him.

Fang dodged the blast and swung the sword straight for the demon's throat.

Phrixis laughed. "How weak and worthless do you think I am?" He landed a solid punch to Fang's side. It was so fierce that he swore he felt his ribs crack.

The pain of it drove the breath from his body. Fang fell to one knee, but he refused to go down. He was a wolf and Phrixis was about to learn what that meant. Shifting forms, he attacked.

The demon staggered back as Fang set his teeth into his arm and ripped it open. Phrixis hit him in the head, but all that did was strengthen his resolve as he shredded the demon's arm. In this form, there were few who could take him down.

Phrixis slammed him into the wall with the force of a Mack truck hitting him.

Fang felt his grip loosen under the assault. As the demon moved to grab him, he ran at his feet, skimming between his legs to emerge behind him. Rolling, he changed to human form so that he could grab the sword from the ground.

Phrixis turned to confront him.

The moment he did, Fang stabbed him through the heart. He buried the sword in to the hilt, then snatched it out and stabbed him again.

Phrixis laughed. "Do you think-"

Fang ended his words with a backstroke that severed his head completely from his body.

The demon crumbled slowly to the pavement where he landed in a lump as blood spewed out.

Fang spit at his remains. "Tell me again how great you are, asshole. Nothing like a steel enema to ruin even your best day." His body weak and trembling, Fang leaned back against the wall as he struggled to breathe with his damaged ribs.

At least it'd been an easier kill than the demons in the Nether Realm. Panting, he pulled the phone from his pocket and called Thorn.

"It's done. I killed him."

To his shock, Thorn appeared instantly at his side. "What the hell did you do?"

"Nice attitude, dick." Fang contracted the sword as he scowled at Thorn's angry glower. "I killed the demon like you told me to."