Bad Moon Rising(89)

Fang let out a deep sigh as he debated what to do. But there was no decision really. He had to get started chasing the demon and the clock was ticking.

Best to get out of here before Aimee returned.

He picked the locket up from his chest and held it in a tight fist. He would be back.

First he had duties.

Taking a deep breath, he dressed himself in jeans, a T-shirt, and a leather jacket before he held the cloth to his nose and took a deep breath. With the demon's stench choking him, he left to track it down.

Aimee paused as she entered Fang's empty room. The white duvet was still rumpled and the pillows askew as if he'd just stepped away. "Fang?"

No one answered.

Frowning, she knew he wasn't in the bathroom since that was where she'd just come from. Where would he go? She searched Peltier House and Sanctuary with her powers and still there was no sign of him.

Had he gone to his brother?

She closed her eyes and let her powers wander through the ether until she found him. He was down in the Warehouse District, walking along the street like he hadn't just come back from hell. The antique stores that were housed in the old warehouse buildings were closed for the night as he passed by them.

What in the world was he doing there?

She watched as he paused to lean against a gray brick building as if trying to catch his breath. He had one arm wrapped around his ribs before he pushed himself away and continued down the street. He kept his head lowered and by the predatorial way he moved she could tell he was tracking someone.

Why would he do something so stupid? She'd gone to a lot of trouble to save him for him to just turn around and get knifed in a back alley when he should still be in bed resting.

"What are you thinking, wolf?"

He was in no shape to be after anyone or anything. And before she could stop herself, she teleported to be right there beside him.

Fang whirled on her with a growl so fierce, she actually took a step back in fear. She'd forgotten just how formidable he could be. Even thin and weak, he was still as fierce as any Slayer she'd ever seen. His long hair fell into feral eyes and the sword he swung came at her so fast that all she could do was gasp and hold her hands up.

The blade paused so close to her that she could feel the tiniest scrape of it against her upraised palms.

"What are you doing here?" Fang demanded, his tone tight with anger.

"Wondering the same thing about you, buster. You know when last we parted about twenty minutes ago, you weren't exactly in the shape to go out on a walk." She pushed the blade back, taking care not to cut her hand in the process. "Never mind fight something that requires that"-she looked down at his weapon-"to get its attention. Do you even know how to use a sword?"

He scoffed at her anger. "It's not exactly hard. They're pretty self-explanatory. You use the sharp end to stab your opponent."

"Yeah, right . . . take it from someone with centuries of experience, they're not that easy to use."

He flicked a slide on the hilt and the blade retracted. "And take it from someone who's been relying on them for the last few months to stay alive, I'm a real quick study."

Perhaps, but she still didn't want him in the street alone while he wasn't in his best fighting shape. "What are you doing out here, Fang?"

Fang wanted to answer that question, he really did. But how did he explain to her that he'd saved her life by offering up his soul? It wasn't something she'd welcome. Knowing her, she'd curse him for it. The one thing about Aimee, she didn't like people protecting her.

But damn, standing there in front of him with the streetlights reflecting off her pale hair and her brow furrowed by worry for him, she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

How he wanted a bite of her apple. . . .

Forcing his thoughts away from that disaster, he cleared his throat. "I need a few minutes alone. Do you mind?"

She didn't relent in the least. "To do what? And if it's anything nasty like Dev would say to shock me, please spare me the details."

He let out an aggravated breath. "Does everything have to be an argument with you?"

Her face offended, she gaped. "I asked a simple question."