Bad Moon Rising(88)

Thorn's eyes turned red. A deep, burning red that shimmered like running blood in the dim light. For some reason he couldn't name, an image of Thorn in black armor with wings flashed through Fang's mind. But it was gone so fast, he wasn't sure what prompted it.

"I advise you against taking that tone with me, wolf. While I'm usually good at taming the beast inside me, I don't always succeed. And you definitely don't want to see that side of me. In fact, you should be grateful I'm giving you twenty-four hours. If you were whole and if this wasn't your first target, I wouldn't be so lenient."

"I don't like taking orders."

"And I don't like repeating myself." Thorn glanced at the door where Aimee had walked out before he pinned Fang with a merciless glower. "You offered your soul up to whomever could save Aimee. I answered and now I own you. Lock, stock, and soul. Do what you're told, wolf, or you'll both spend eternity in a place that makes the Nether Realm seem like Disneyland."

Fang's hackles rose. He hated that tone and the threat, but Thorn was right. He'd been the one to make the bargain by his own free will and he would abide by it.

Even if it killed him. "You seriously lack people skills."

The red faded from Thorn's eyes as a slow, insidious smile curved his lips. "And I flunked anger management the moment I put the counselor through a stone wall. You might want to keep that in mind."

Fang felt the muscle in his jaw working. "I can tell we're going to get along like Batman and the Joker."

"Just remember one thing, wolf. I'm the best friend you'll ever have or the last enemy you'll ever make."

Because he wouldn't live long enough to make another one. Thorn didn't say those words, but his tone implied them.

He handed Fang another photograph and a piece of cloth that held the stench of demon. "That's your target. Make me not regret saving you."

Fang started to flip him off. Had he been stronger, he probably would have. But right now the idea of flying through a wall when he'd have to go chase down a demon didn't seem like the wisest course of action.

Vane would be proud. The Nether Realm had finally taught him a modicum of self-preservation.

"When does my time start?"

"Ten minutes ago."

Fang snorted. "Thanks. That's real generous of you."

Thorn seemed unperturbed by his sarcasm. "I should probably warn you that I'm not real big on fairness and I have a below-zero tolerance on most things. Do your job. Do it right and we won't have any problems. Fuck up and I'll most likely kill you. Fuck up bad enough and I'll torture you first."

"Anything else I need to know?"

"Just this." Thorn reached out and grabbed him by the wrist. Before Fang could move, Thorn had him on his back in the bed with his palm pressed against his shoulder blade.

Fang cursed as his shoulder burned. It felt as if he were being branded. He tried to fight, but he couldn't move. It was like something inhuman and unseen was holding him down. When Thorn finally released him, he saw that he wasn't far off. The scent of burning flesh hung heavy in the air and on his shoulder was a round circle with ancient symbols.

Reaching to touch it, Fang hissed as he increased the pain of it. "What is that?"

"Protection from the lesser demons and from spells the mavens and warlocks might want to use on you once they realize you're one of mine. Believe me, you'll be grateful you have it."

Maybe when the stinging stopped, but right now he wanted to kick Thorn's ass until that bastard hurt as much as he did. "Will it work on Phrixis?"

Thorn laughed. "You're amusing." He stepped back and handed him a gold hilt. He flicked a ruby stone up and the blade extended three feet out. "This is your sword," he said in a tone implying Fang was less than intelligent. "You press the pointy end into the enemy. Try not to let him make eye contact with you and remember, he spits invisible poison."

"Oh, goody."

Thorn ignored the sarcasm as he pulled out a cell phone. "Call me when it's over. Just press two and I'll answer."

"And if I die?"

"I'll know and I won't be happy. Remember, wolf, I'm one of the few beings who can follow you into the afterworld and seriously fuck you up there. Don't fail me."

"Important note taken. Thank you, Dr. Morbid."

Thorn inclined his head to him before he vanished.