Bad Moon Rising(115)

"Good, wolf. And there is one more piece of advice I'm going to give you."

"That is?"

"The mark I gave you will tingle anytime you come near a demon as a warning. The stronger the sensation, the more powerful the demon."

"But don't kill the demon, just smack him with my sword."

Thorn inclined his head sarcastically. "Now you're starting to get it. How are you and your inner demon doing anyway?"

"He hasn't possessed me yet."

"Good. Keep it that way. I'd hate to have to kill you this early in our relationship."

Fang cocked his brow at that. "We have a relationship? Does this mean I get pinned?"

"Oh, I'll pin your ass to the nearest wall. That would actually brighten my otherwise noxious day. Shall we?"

"It's all right. I'm not in the mood and I'd hate to have to make you work that hard."

Thorn shook his head. "Watch your back, wolf. There's a pall over this place and the bears are racking up enemies faster than Wal-Mart rakes in sales. When the time comes, it's going to get bloody."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Don't be so arrogant. Long before I was the debonair sophisticate standing in front of you, I was a warlord. I put more blood on my blade than Madame la Guillotine. The one thing all that battle taught me is that no one walks away without scars. No one."

Fang paused as he realized just how right Thorn was. Vane used to have a similar saying. In a fight, everyone gets bloody.

"Watch your back, wolf, and remember when the time comes to choose sides, make sure you choose well."

At dawn, Fang headed downstairs to help close up and clean. Though Sanctuary was technically open 24/7 for preternatural beings, they closed at 4:30 A.M. and opened at 10:00 A.M. for humans. Mama Lo and Papa were on standby during the off-hours in Peltier House.

Fang entered the bar at the same time Aimee's older brother Zar, who was almost indistinguishable in looks from the quads, was carrying a tray of glasses into the kitchen.

Zar thanked him for holding the door open. "You can help Aimee finish up. I'm done for the night."

Fang nodded as he saw Aimee taking the cloth from Wren and pushing him toward the door. Music was playing at a much quieter level from the jukebox. It was the Indigo Girls, which was one of Aimee's favorite bands.

"Wren, go on. You've put in fourteen hours with only a tiny break. Get some sleep."

Still, Wren hesitated. "You shouldn't be down here alone."

She looked past him to see Fang. "I'm not alone."

Wren turned to see him, then clamped his jaw shut. Nodding at Aimee, he did as she asked.

Fang frowned as Wren flashed out, then he moved over to where Aimee was draping a white hand towel over her shoulder. "I like him, but he's a strange kid."

"I know. Trust me though, he has reasons for it."

No doubt given the stories he'd heard. Half the Were-Hunter staff here thought the tigard had killed his own parents. Nicolette couldn't stand him and while Papa Bear appeared mostly ambivalent, he did watch Wren a little closer than the others.

"You're the only one he really talks to."

Aimee moved to pick up a chair, turn it upside down, and put it on a table. Fang beat her to it.

She stood back with a smile. "I love Wren and he knows it."

"Yeah, but he seems like he wouldn't welcome it."