Bad Moon Rising(114)

"You don't need to know anything about me. It's much safer that way."

"Safer for who?"

"Most definitely you." There was a deadly undercurrent in Thorn's voice. "There's really only two, maybe three, entities who threaten me. And you're not one of them."

Point taken. Fang leaned back on his arms to narrow his gaze on Thorn. Honestly, he was getting tired of this pointless exchange. "So why are you really here? Do you have another assignment for me?"

"No. Just a warning."

"For what?"

Thorn scratched his chin as if they were just shooting shit between them and not handing over information that could prove vital. "One of the demon spawn here summoned Jaden out of his hole."

There was a name Fang had never heard before. "Jaden?"

A snide smile curved Thorn's lips. "He's a . . . demon broker. He bargains with the primal source to attain powers and other things for demons. Personally, I hate the bastard and he's not real fond of me either. Since you're new to all of this, I wanted to warn you to stay out of his way."


"Suffice it to say that he's been known to use my people as target practice. He doesn't really think I'm on the up-and-up and so he sees you guys as stupid pawns."

"Does he have reason to think that?"

"Not really. Basically he's just another prick I have to deal with. I think it's emotional scars from his childhood that won't allow him to believe in anything. Or maybe it's post-traumatic stress disorder or simple brain damage. End of the day, don't really give a shit, but he is lethal, so steer clear."

"And how will I know him? Does he by chance wear shirts with his name on them?"

Thorn laughed. "Damn, wolf, I do like your sarcasm. No, his mother didn't sew his name on or in his clothes. But you can't miss him. Tall bastard with one brown eye and one green. Really off-putting. He has a slave collar and an aura of power that smacks of a godhood he doesn't have. He also has demon funk all over him."

Lovely that. Fang could gag already. "Noted and marked."

"Good. Now you need to be on your toes. If Jaden was summoned here, someone is playing with fire and they're after something pretty severe that requires a lot of power to achieve. You are one of three Hellchasers stationed here and I expect you three to play nice and be firemen."


"Yeah. When the fires of hell break open, you guys put them out."

Damn, so much for his thoughts that a simple fire hose would work. "Do the other Hellchasers have names?"

"Varyk and Wynter. You've met Wynter already and I'm rather sure you won't like Varyk in the least."


"He's an Arcadian Lykos."

That news hit him like a fist to the gut. For a minute, Fang couldn't focus as raw fury tore through him. "I thought I was the only one you had."

Thorn smiled snidely. "Varyk is a werewolf. You are a wolfwere. Though to most people there isn't much difference, in our world there is. But if it makes you feel better, you are the only two Were-Hunters I have on tap. Besides, there were politics in the way, which is why Varyk couldn't be utilized against Phrixis."

"You like that word, don't you?"

"Phrixis? Hardly. It's not even an attractive word to say."

Fang gave him a droll stare. "Politics."

"If that's what you meant, why didn't you say so?" Thorn snorted irritably. "And to answer your question, not in the slightest. I hate playing games, but my existence is ever a study of high-IQ chess. We move, they counter, and vice versa. God help us if our enemies ever capture our king . . . and for the record, that would be me. Don't let that happen as it would go very badly for you."

"I'll keep my eyes open."