Bad Moon Rising(117)

"So how did it go with the other bears?"

She gave a short laugh. "Disastrous. One made a move on me and I coldcocked him so bad for it that they're having to do a testicle retrieval."

"Ow!" Fang laughed, cringing at the mere thought of that. "That'll leave a mark."

"He wasn't quite as respectful of my virgin ears when it happened."

"I'll bet. Want me to go finish what you started? I'll be more than happy to geld him . . . any asshole messing with my girl-"

She silenced his words by placing her hand over his mouth. "Careful, wolf. Anyone hear you say that and you'll be the one gelded."

He nibbled her soft fingertips. "I know. It's just hard on me having to let every hairy-ass bear in the universe come on to you while I can't even make eye contact."

"I know, baby." She kissed him gently on his lips.

Fang leaned his head down and let the peace of this moment wash over him while they danced. He would sell his soul to stay like this.

It's too late. You already sold it to protect her.

Yeah, he should have put another stipulation on that bargain. One that left him in her arms forever.

I am such an idiot. . . .

Trying to distract himself, he changed the subject. "I was briefly talking to Justin earlier tonight and he said something interesting."

"That is?"

"That Dev and your father were trained Strati."

She gave him a look so guarded it could protect national security secrets. "Why is that strange?"

Fang started to divert the conversation, but it was something that had been bothering him about the Peltier bears and it was something he wanted to see if she'd trust him with. "They're Arcadian."

Aimee stumbled at the word. Her heart pounded in fear. How could he know that? No one had ever suspected it. "I don't know what you're talking about."

He stopped moving to stare down at her intently. "Don't lie to me, Aimee. I'm not stupid. I've been here long enough to figure it out and I protected an Arcadian too long in my life not to know the signs of one hiding in the middle of a Katagaria pack. If you want me to pretend I don't know, then I will play along. But I wanted you to know that I knew."

And he was placing his life in her hands. If her family ever suspected he'd figured that out, they would kill him without question. Forget eirini and Omegrion law, he would be skinned alive.

He leaned down to whisper. "And I know your secret too."

She trembled as a cold sweat broke out on her body. How had he guessed the one secret she'd been protecting all these centuries? A secret not even her own family knew. . . .

No doubt he hated her for it.

"What secret?"

"That Kyle's an Aristos and you're helping him train his powers."

Nauseated, Aimee started to move away, afraid to hear any more.

"I won't tell anyone, Aimee. I swear it. And it's not because I'm afraid for me. I could care less about that. It's you I would never hurt, not in any way."

And because he was trusting her with his secret, she wanted to give him one back. He had placed his life in her hands. The least she could do is return the favor.

"Are they the only ones you've spotted?"

"I think Zar may be one and possibly Quinn."