SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,178

night of course. I couldn’t let her go that easily. She has a hold on me, and there isn’t a damned thing I can do about it.

“Here,” Grinder says passing me a joint.

I take it and bring it to my lips. I take a long, slow inhale and look around the table when Viking walks in. He doesn’t look very happy and Mason isn’t too far behind. The rest of the guys are already sitting here waiting.

“Got a problem. The shipment from New York was stopped in Georgia,” Viking states looking around the room at each of us.

“Fuck,” the majority of us grumble.

“Didn’t we use one of the box trucks?” I question, looking to Viking for the answer.

“No. We didn’t have time to send it up and there wasn’t enough space in it anyways. These shipments aren’t small,” he answers me.

I nod my head a little pissed off that they got picked up and even more so that they didn’t use one of the trucks Reaper fixed up. False walls were his idea and it was fucking epic. We’ve made so many runs with them and have never had a problem before.

“We need to send someone up there to see what we can do,” Mason adds.

“Who got picked up?” Grinder asks.

“Bones and a few of the prospects. We’ve got the lawyer callin’ about bail. I’m gussin’ that isn’t happenin’ with the amount they were haulin’.”

I shake my head and let out a small breath.

“They get all of it?” Viking chuckles when I ask.

“Fuck no. Bones is smart. He only had half of the shipment on that truck. The other half is waitin’ at the Regency MC. One of Bones’ boys was loadin’ it into a van. Figured splitin’ the shipment was the best idea.”

“Ortega okay with that?”

“Fuck no. That’s the other issue,” Viking adds. “Whoever is goin’ up is gonna have to relay that information to Ortega when they get there.”

“Who’s it gonna be boys?” Mason asks with a chuckle.

He shoves out of his chair, grabs a pack of cigarettes, and lights one up. He glances around, but no one says a fucking word. No one wants to fuck with Ortega.

“I’ll do it.”

The other guys grunt knowing damn well that they don’t want the job. Fuck Ortega. I can’t stand his ass anyhow.

“Fine. It’s on you Monster. It’ll take you a few days to get there and get shit squared away. I’ll be in touch with the lawyer to see what we can work out. Don’t know how much pull we have in that part of Georgia. Guess we’ll find out soon enough,” Viking adds.

“That’s all we’ve got for now. Grinder, I need you to get in touch with Berk about that coke shipment yeah? Monster you can go ahead and get ready. We’re gonna be in some shit for the shipment bein’ late and on top of that now half of it is gone.”

“That comin’ out of our asses?”

Viking looks to Mason before looking back to me and nodding, “Yeah, I’m hopin’ he takes it from our cut and not your ass.”

I know he’s joking, but I can still see the underlying concern in his statement. Ortega wouldn’t touch me, but he sure as hell would have his men on my ass.

“Thanks for the pep talk,” I throw back giving him a salute.

They laugh and Viking calls it. I push out of my chair, but Viking and Mason stay back watching me.


“Sit back down,” Mason says.

I sit back in the chair and wonder what the hell it is that I did this time. When the guys all leave Viking walks over and closes the door.

“What’s this?”

“This shit with the girl. What is it?” Mason asks as he eyes me. I reach forward to grab my beer and bring it up to my lips.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, come on. We all saw that shit. She fuckin’ stabbed you brother. You really gonna sit there and fuck with me on this shit?”

I smirk and shake my head then set the bottle down to replace it with a cigarette.

“What it is, is none of your goddamned business. I don’t question who you fuck,” I remind both of them.

“She was screamin’ like you were killin’ her,” Viking states.

“She has a past. We all do. Shit got a little heated. That’s all.”

They look between each other and shrug.

“Look, I get your issues brother. I do, but draggin’ some girl down into that mess with you isn’t right.”

“Thanks dad. I can handle her.”

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