SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,179

I don’t want to fight with them on this.

“This fucks you over and it’s on you Monster.”

I nod my head and stand from the chair. I head to my room. I have a new plan that I’m about to embark on. My trip to Georgia just got a little more fun than I had originally planned on. Too bad she doesn’t know that yet. I stuff my bag then pull out my cell to call Paul.

“Did you get shot again?” he asks which makes me smile.

“No. I’m goin’ out of town and I’m takin’ Kyza with me,” I inform him.

“She know that yet?”

“Nope. Figured I’d give you fair warnin’ that she wasn’t gonna be there for a few days though.”

I hear him sigh into the phone, but there is nothing he can say that is going to change my mind about this. She’s going with me. I want more of her. Something in me needs her.

“She’s different you know? She isn’t just some girl you can fuck over and toss Monster,” he warns softly.

“I know doc. I didn’t plan on tossin’ her anywhere. She bailed on me not the other way around.”

“I’m not telling her. You can come by and get her yourself.”

I almost laugh because I can picture her reaction if he had told her.

“I’m headin’ that way in a few.”

Chapter 14


Paul asked me to go down to the store and grab some more paper towels for the clinic. It was strange that he asked when it was as late as it was. He typically doesn’t like me going out at night. As I’m walking back I nod my head to the music I’m listening to through my headphones. It’s a nice night for a walk.

I’ve asked myself why I’ve stayed here for this long. The plan was always to keep moving, but once I got settled in with Paul I found that I loved Miami. There’s always something happening and that helps to keep me busy.

Our neighborhood isn’t the best, but I can walk right over to all of the clubs and be in the heart of town in the matter of minutes. I can get lost in the crowd and never look back if that’s what I chose to do. Some days I consider it.

I’m walking behind the clinic ready to head back inside when something catches my attention. I see a shadow move and I just react. I swing the bag of paper towels around and it collides with the shadow.

“Did you really think that would hurt?” Monster’s voice thunders through the night.

“You asshole! What are you doing creeping around in the dark?”

“I thought you liked me better in the dark?”

Bastard. I swing the bag and hit him again even though I know it won’t hurt him.

“You’re a prick. What do you want?”

I unlock the door and head inside. Monster isn’t far behind me. I set the bags in the back before I flip the lights on.

“Pack a bag,” he says looking me in the eye.

“Have you lost your mind?”

“No. Pack a bag. You’re comin’ with me.”

He crosses his arms over his chest and just glares at me. I laugh and turn around while shaking my head. I walk into my room and drop onto the bed. I’m exhausted from the day. I lie down, grab my blanket, and pull it up over my body.

“Why don’t you ever listen?”

“I’m tired,” I mumble from under my blanket. “Go away.”

In mere seconds I feel the bed shift and I know that he’s behind me. His words from that night have lingered in the back of my mind. I’ve let them sink in and I’ve thought it over. What if he’s right? What if I really am hiding from who I truly am? That’s not what I wanted. None of this is what I wanted, but it is my life now. This is what I’ve chosen to do.

“You’re comin’ with me,” his deep voice sends a chill down my spine.

I roll over so that my back is toward him. I’m not going anywhere with him after the way he made me feel. I like it too much and that’s dangerous.

“No. I don’t think I am.”

In seconds the comforter is pulled off of my body and Monster has me rolled over onto my stomach. His strong body is pressed against mine as I wiggle to try to get away from him.

“Stop! What the hell?” Monster just keeps me pinned in place.

His lips caress the back of my neck and I Copyright 2016 - 2024