SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,162

a person. A human with emotions. I saw a darkness in those brown eyes that I think mimics my own.”

My breath catches in my throat as I watch her watch me. It’s an intense moment. I’m almost afraid to break it, but something snaps inside of me and I move. I rush her and wrap one arm around her waist and the other around the back of her neck, crushing her lips to mine. I take her, devour her. Hell, I own her in this moment. Nothing has ever felt so right in my life, yet it’s so wrong at the same time.

Kyza tenses in my arms, but I can’t stop myself. How the hell did she look at me that way? When I pull away from her lips I can see they’re swollen and red. We’re both breathing heavily, but neither of us knows what to say.

“I should go,” she whispers softly.

I nod my head, but I don’t want to let her go. I want to keep her here and have her continue to look at me like I’m normal. I want her to look at me like I’m worth more than the scars on my body say I am. There’s an ache in my chest. I haven’t felt it in a very long time and I’m not sure I like it there now. I want it gone. I want her to stay. I don’t know what the hell I want any more. When she goes to move I let her. I let her walk away from me and toward the door.

“Why?” Leaves my mouth before I can stop it, causing her to stop and look back over at me.

“Why what?”

“Why would you say that? Why would you lie to me?”

Anger courses through my veins. I don’t know where it’s coming from, nor do I know how to stop it. I’ve been down this road before with women. What do they want from me? I don’t fucking know, but it always ends and the scars are thrown in my face. It’s evil at its fucking finest.

“I’m not lying to you.”

“You are. You’re lyin’ and I wanna know why.”

Kyza starts at the tone of my voice and reaches for the door handle. She isn’t leaving yet.

I need answers. Answers that I know somewhere deep inside of me that she doesn’t have. How could she? I move quickly and slam my hand against the door to keep it closed. Kyza jumps up and screams. I start to reach for her when the door is shoved open. I stumble back as the door slams into me. Both Viking and Grinder are standing there looking between the two of us. Kyza is in tears with her arms wrapped around herself as Grinder comes into my room. He pulls her toward him, but she’s hesitant.

“It’s okay darlin’.”

“What is this shit?” Viking asks looking between us again.

I run my hand through my hair and sigh.

“I don’t fuckin’ know.”

“You don’t fuckin’ know? You’ve got a girl in here screamin’ like you’re tryin’ to kill her and you don’t fuckin’ know?” Viking roars. Grinder has Kyza pulled into his chest trying to soothe her.

“I didn’t fuckin’ hurt her.”

“Then why the fuck is she screamin’?” Viking asks as he moves closer to me. His face softens slightly as he seems to see what my problem is. “This isn’t the way to get them brother. She doesn’t know what’s got you so fucked in the head Monster. What are you doin’?”

“I fucked up. I just wanted answers,” I tell him.

“I’m takin’ her out of here,” Grinder adds.

Viking nods his head and I’m about to say no, but I can’t. I have no right to keep her here. What the hell is wrong with my fucking head?

“You wanna explain this shit?”

“She was at the clinic when I was there. I scared her one night when I walked in on her. She didn’t say shit to me Viking. Didn’t ask. She didn’t even look at them.”

“I don’t get it brother. I really don’t. You met a woman who doesn’t look at your scars, ask questions or lose her shit and you have a problem with that? Women usually asks you about them and then you lose your shit. What the fuck do you want here man?” Viking asks raising his arms out to his sides.

I wish I knew. I wish to fuck I had an answer to his question, but I don’t. Viking backs away and leaves me alone in my Copyright 2016 - 2024