SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,161

cut that he is. I learned that word at the clinic when another biker came in. I don’t think he’s with this club though. The colors weren’t the same.

As soon as I step inside the building, music rattles my insides. There are people everywhere. They’re dancing, fucking and drinking. Fucking yep, they’re fucking right there on the pool table.

“Don’t mind them,” Monster leans in to tell me over the music.

Don’t mind them? They are fucking right here in front of god and everyone. I drag my gaze away and follow Monster through the room. More than once I’m bumped into and smirked at by guys. Some of them I wouldn’t mind, but others? No fucking thank you. A few of them look like serial killers that might hack me up while I’m asleep.

“This is Carnie. She’s Viking’s old lady,” Monster says. I smile and offer my hand to the girl holding her hand over her very pregnant belly.

“Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Kyza,” I tell her.

She looks up at Monster, raises her eyebrow, and then looks back to me.

“I’ve heard about you,” she says.

I’m about to ask her how and from whom when Monster stops me.

“Enough Carn.”

She smirks at him, and walks off while throwing a little wave as she goes. This is too much, I can’t do this. I can’t breathe.

Chapter 5


I watch Kyza’s eyes as they dart around the room. I’ve kept an eye on her the whole time she’s been here. She seems uncomfortable even though she has no reason to be. No one has bothered her, and I’ve kept her pretty close just for that reason. However, she looks skittish. I can’t remember how much she’s had to drink, but she’s looking a little tipsy.

“You okay?” I lean in and ask her when her eyes dart to mine. There’s some kind of fear in them, but I can’t place it.

“I can’t breathe,” she whispers softly, but I caught it. I nod, grab her hand, and lead her down the hallway. When I get to my room I open the door and usher her inside. She doesn’t hesitate to go in, but when I close the door behind her she spins quickly and locks her gaze with mine.

“Bathroom’s in there if you need it,” I tell her nodding toward the door.

She nods slowly and I see her blue eyes sparkling before she goes in and closes the door behind her. I sit on the edge of my bed and run my hand through my hair. I don’t know why I asked Paul to bring her here. I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking except I couldn’t get the way she looked at me that night out of my head. She didn’t act afraid or repulsed, and I want to know why. The door to the bathroom slowly opens and Kyza walks out.

“Are you okay?” she asks me when I should be the one asking her that question.

“I wanna ask you somethin’ and I want you to be honest with me.”

“Of course.”

I stand from the bed and glare at her. I’m thinking there has to be some kind of ulterior motive here. There has to be a reason she’s acting like seeing the scars on my face is perfectly normal.

“You looked at me that night. You didn’t let your gaze drop down to my scars. Why?”

Kyza looks confused, but her eyes stay locked on mine. Even now she isn’t looking at them. It unnerves me.

“Why would I? For one, the scars are a part of you, and two, they don’t make a difference to me. Why would I stare at them?”

She crosses her arms and waits for me to answer her. She’s lying; she has to be. My scars are the first thing everyone sees.

“What did you see that night you looked up at me?”

“What is this about?” She asks unsure where I’m going with this, and fuck me I’m not sure either, to be honest.

“Answer me. What did you see?” I growl a little louder this time.

Kyza takes a step toward me and I almost lose it. I want to snap at her and shove her away, but there’s something about this girl that just seems to invade my sense of control.

“I saw a man. He was a man that was sick and he needed help. I saw a gorgeous man that had no idea what to do with himself when someone didn’t comment about what has undoubtedly made him who he is today. I saw Copyright 2016 - 2024