SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,160

I feel. He doesn’t know me. I damn sure don’t plan on knowing him.

“How the hell should I know? I just do as I’m asked Kyza, just go with it. Who knows? You might have some fun. Maybe make some friends.”

“Is that what this is about? You think I don’t have any friends?” I ask as I cross my arms over my chest.

“Do you?” he asks glancing at me briefly before turning back to the road.

“Well no, but that’s not the point. I don’t like people,” I say trying to get the attention off me. I should have just kept my big mouth shut.

“Kyza you work with people every day. You seem just fine to me.”

“It’s all a front; I really don’t like people.”

Paul laughs before he turns and pulls up to a set of gates. It’s almost laughable that he claims this is an illegal club. It’s right in the heart of town.

“You’re joking?” I ask as I look over at him.

It isn’t until the gates open that I realize that this is in fact not a joke at all. Paul pulls in and I watch as the gates close behind us. I wonder if we’re prisoners now? This is not okay with me, not by any means.

“There are gates Paul,” I snap when he shifts the truck into park. He laughs and climbs out, moving to my side Paul opens my door and helps me out.

“It’s for protection Kyza. It’s fine,” he tries to reassure me.

“Yeah, because that makes me feel so much better,” I hiss and he just laughs even harder. “If you need a damn gate for protection then I don’t think we should be here.”

“They won’t let anything happen to you while you’re here,” he shrugs, wraps an arm around my shoulder, and starts leading me toward the massive building. A sick feeling dances in my stomach as I walk along. This is a bad idea. I can already feel it.

“This is crazy,” I mumble under my breath.

“No, this is payback for letting our patient leave early.”

My mouth falls open as I look up at him. His dark eyes crinkle in the corners as he smiles back at me. He’s no doubt trying to hold in his laughter.

“You saw that man. I couldn’t have stopped him even if I’d tried,” I snap.

“Well, you didn’t try very hard,” that deep voice says.

I turn my head and see Monster. He’s standing in the light of day right in front of us. His shaggy hair is hanging around his face, but he looks better than he did before.

“Are you kidding me?”

Monster just shakes his head and brings his beer to his lips as I watch. There is something sexy about the way he does it, and I know I shouldn’t be thinking about it, but damn. He swallows a lot and his throat is bobbing as I watch him dumbfounded.

“You could have tied me to the bed,” he suggests softly while moving closer to me.

My heart leaps into my throat as Paul laughs, slaps a hand on Monster’s shoulder and turns to walk away. What a traitor! I can’t believe he just left me with this… this… Monster.

“You might have gotten hard if I’d done that,” I respond while rolling my eyes.

Monster groans and steps closer to me. His body is pressing into mine. I can feel his hard on and it isn’t small.

“I might have gotten one from just lookin’ at you in those jeans,” he murmurs as he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me impossibly closer.

I look up into his dark eyes and my breathing picks up speed. He smells like mint, cigarettes, leather, and sexy.

“I’m here with Paul in case you forgot,” I tell him as I reach up to place my hands on his chest to push him back.

The only thing I get is a growl low in his throat. Jesus, this man is so hot and cold. At the clinic he didn’t even want the lights on, but now he’s ready to fuck me in the parking lot?

“You ain’t with Paul. You work with him. Big difference darlin’.”

“Well, I’m not looking for a quickie, so thanks anyway.” He chuckles and it vibrates through me. A shiver races down my spine as he releases me and nods.

“Fair enough. Come on, I’ll introduce you.”

He steps back and starts walking toward the building as I follow him. I look around at all the people milling about. Most of them are wearing the same Copyright 2016 - 2024