SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,159

fall for a second before they come back up to meet mine.

“I’m sorry. Is that why you moved?”

“No. I lived in foster homes after that. The last one I lived in, well, let’s just say it ended kinda badly.”

She nods her head as if she can understand, but she can’t. There’s no fucking way anyone could understand what I had to endure while I was there. I still don’t fully understand it. The memories come flooding back like someone opened the goddamn flood gate. I sway on my feet and move to the wall so that I can stand against it and hold myself up. Kyza rushes toward me and wraps her hands around my arms.

“Are you okay? You don’t look so good. You need to sit down,” she says trying to usher me over to a chair.

After a second I let her. Once I sit I try to clear my head, but I can’t. I see him. It was him standing over my bed wearing a smirk like he’d won. There was blood. It was everywhere. Blood coated my skin and covered the pajamas I wore. There was so much fucking blood. I shake my head a few times, but I need to get out of here. I can’t handle this shit.

“I gotta go,” I say as I’m reaching for the IV.

“Don’t pull that out,” she gasps.

“I need to fuckin’ go.”

She nods her head and reaches for my arm. She raises a finger to me tell me to hold on a second before she moves across the room. She grabs a few bandages and bottles from a cabinet and comes back over to me. She sets the items in my lap and works to remove the IV from my arm, placing a band aid over the small wound. My heart is still pounding inside of my chest and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if she heard it. She looks up at me through those big blue eyes, and I have to stifle my instinct to cringe. His eyes were that same color of blue. This is messing with my head. Fuck!

“At least take these pills like the bottle instructs.” I’m about to open my mouth when she stops me, “Please.”

The begging I can see in her eyes is what makes me snap. I lift my hand to her cheek and nod. There’s something dark in this girl, something that doesn’t belong there.

“I’m sorry. Whatever happened to you, I’m sorry,” my voice almost a whisper as a single tear falls down her cheek.

I remove my hand, shove out of the chair, and storm from the room and down the hall. I don’t stop until I’m outside and I can catch my breath. I grab my cell to call Viking and tell him to get someone over here to pick my ass up.

Chapter 4


Each day forward is one more day away from my past. That’s the best I can do for now. I’ve closed myself off from those days, but that man brought every single second of my old life rushing back in a matter of seconds. I hate him for being able to do that to me. No one has ever broken through that barrier, and I let a complete stranger do it. It pissed me off at first, but then I just became angrier. I tried not to take it out on Paul, but I found myself snapping at him far too many times. I hate myself for that too. I’m whining as we speak and that just pushes my even more.

“I don’t want to go,” I whine a little more.

“Too bad. If I’m going then you are too,” he grins at me.

“Why are you going anyway?” I ask, looking up at him as he continues to drive down the road.

“The club made a very generous donation to the clinic and asked me to come to the cookout.”

“The club? What kind of a club?”

“MC. Motorcycle Club. These boys aren’t exactly on the legal side of the law,” he explains.

“I think I got that much when the man with the infected gunshot wound was staying in the office. So why are we going again?” I tease him.

“We’re making an appearance. We don’t have to stay. It’ll be fun and Monster asked if you would come.”

“He what?” I’m surprised that he even remembered me really.

“He asked if you would be coming with me and I said I’d gladly bring you along.”

“Why would he care if I was there?”

Confusion. That’s what Copyright 2016 - 2024