SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,16

pull out twenty percent. I have no doubt he’s going to get his money’s worth from Whitley.

Chapter 12


I lay my head on the soft leather of the limo seat. After what just happened to me, this is the safest I’ve felt. I want to go home now. I want to go back in time. I want to change my entire reaction to Armando. I want to forget everything that just happened. I want to run away and hide, but I can’t do any of those things. I fucking asked for this. Not what they did specifically, but I did ask for it.

I should have listened to Mason. I should have gone back to the hotel with him. As soon as the car rolls to a stop I wipe my face and swallow. I can’t let Mason see what happened to me. I can’t let him know how this affected me. The door opens, somehow I manage to sit up and climb out quickly. Armando didn’t even have the balls to drop me off himself. The door slams behind me right before an eight ball is shoved into my hands. I blink up at the man who drove me back, his face gives nothing away.

Hurrying into the hotel, I shove the drugs into my pocket. At least those will come in handy to numb my mind later. Making my way to the elevator I feel disgusting. I feel like everyone in here can see what I’ve done. A shiver rolls down my spine as the door opens and I step inside. Pressing the button to our floor a woman watches me.

“Are you alright dear? You look as if you’re about to cry,” she says sweetly. I nod my head and try to swallow back the tears.

“I’m fine, thank you.” She doesn’t say anything after that. She nods once and waits for the doors to open. As soon as it hits my floor, I rush out of the elevator and bolt towards our room. Forgetting that I don’t have a key, I bang on the door. When Mason throws the door open his eyes meet mine.

“You okay, Whit?” he asks. I nod once and walk past him going straight into the bathroom. I lock the door and pull the drugs from my pocket. I dump them on the counter as visions of what just happened haunt me, and not just what Armando did to me, but my past as well. It all begins to consume me as I grab a dollar bill and roll it up quickly. I snort line after line of that glorious white powder. When I can’t feel anything else, I turn on the shower and step in clothes and all. I don’t know how long I’ve been in here. Everything seems kinda fuzzy and blurry. The effects of the drugs are sweeping through me now. I giggle a little before I slide down the wall of the shower and end up on my ass.

“Whit! Open the goddamn door!” Mason yells. I can’t move, my limbs are numb and my head definitely isn’t in the right place. It’s like I’m not even here right now. I’m floating and it’s the best feeling I’ve ever had. It’s fucking perfection. I never want this to end.

“Whitley, what are you doing here?” my mom’s voice asks me. Where is she? She isn’t here. “Oh Whitley, what have you been doing to yourself?” My chest tightens as I turn and see her standing in front of me.

“Mom, how are you here?” I ask her softly. Her hand comes up to cup my cheek as her thumb caresses my face.

“I’m not there. You’re here Whit. You aren’t supposed to be here. What are you doing to yourself? You have to stop this Whitley. Nothing can fix what happened to you, and none of this is helping,” she says as tears stream down her face.

“I can’t take it anymore mom. I tried. I really fucking tried. Using it to my advantage has always worked until him! He did things to me. So much like what happened in the past. It hurts so bad, mom,” I cry as I throw myself into her arms.

“I know it does, baby, but you have to move on. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. You can become anything you want to be. Not this. This isn’t you, Whitley. You can’t stay here,” she says sadly.

“I want to. I want to stay with you mom. I’ve always wanted Copyright 2016 - 2024