SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,15

work something out.” Nodding at Whitley, I shake my head. My body becomes taut as Whit grins up at him. She steps out of my grasp and directly in front of him.

“Did you want a little taste? I can play nicely as long as you give my boy what he needs,” she says seductively. I watch her closely, the way she moves and holds herself.

Armando raises his fingers to her cheek, trailing them along her jaw to lift her head. She beams up at him before he leans down pressing his lips to hers. It shouldn’t piss me off the way it does and I sure as shit shouldn’t feel like ripping his goddamn heart out and handing it to him either, but I do. My hands clench at my sides as I watch him kiss her. When she returns his kiss, my insides nearly explode. What the ever loving fuck is happening to me? This can’t possibly be because of Briann. I might see similarities between them, but Whit is way different. When Armando pulls away he grins at me.

“Twenty percent off this one and the next three.”

“What the fuck do you want in return?” I growl.

“Her for the afternoon,” he says simply.

“Not happenin’.”

“Well then, no deal.” His hand falls away from Whitley as my body locks up even tighter.

“Its fine, Mason. I can hang out with him for the afternoon,” Whitley says as she looks over her shoulder at me. I shake my head, but she wiggles her eyebrows up and down.

“Give us a minute,” I tell Armando. He nods his head before I grab Whitley’s hand and drag her backwards. She stumbles over her own feet before righting herself. Her hands land on her hips and her eyes are dancing with anger.

“Who the fuck do you think you are? You hired me for a reason,” she snaps while pointing out the obvious.

“I didn’t hire you to fuck the goddamn Columbian mob. Do you have any idea who this fucker is?” I snap at her in a hushed tone.

“He wants to fuck. I don’t give a shit who he is.”

“You should. He isn’t as sweet as some of us,” I warn her. Her eyes show the hint of a smile.

“I’m an adult Mason. I can fuck whoever I want, remember? I get some dick and you get your discount. It’s a win-win. What’s the problem?” she asks me. She has a point, but I don’t want her fucking him. She wants some dick; she can have mine. She doesn’t need to get mixed up in the middle of Armando and his shit. That’s the last thing I had planned on when I brought her here.

“Your job is to distract, Whit, not fuck. What part of that wasn’t made clear to you?” I hiss.

“Fine, then tell him you don’t want the discount, but I’m still fucking him,” she says before tossing her hair over her shoulder and moving back toward him with a sway of her hips. My insides tighten as I watch the two of them. I don’t fucking like this. I don’t like where this is going, but who the fuck am I to tell her no?

Armando looks up, catching my eye. He nods his head, wraps his hand around Whit, and walks her toward the door. I watch as they go, debating what the fuck I should do now. I don’t want her involved with him, but who the fuck am I to decide that for her? The door closes behind them, and I blow out a breath. Running my hand through my hair, I tug at the ends before walking to the other guys.

“You ready to test this shit?” Jorge asks when I step up next to the crate.

“Yeah. Let’s get this shit over with,” I answer him. Jorge cuts up some powder on a mirror in front of me as my mind races. This is a bad fucking idea, I can feel it deep within me. Letting her walk into her own torture. She doesn’t know him; she has no clue what she’s just agreed to. Fuck, she doesn’t know me either. That thought alone pisses me off.

Jorge passes me a rolled up twenty. I snort a line, stand up, and give him a nod of approval. The rest of his guys move around us getting the product loaded into the trucks that will deliver this shit to Joe’s for us. Before I toss the bag of cash to Jorge, I unzip it and Copyright 2016 - 2024