SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,142

research Eric? We’re called Soulless Bastards for a reason man.”

Before he can respond I slide the blade across his throat. I cut deep enough to kill, but just shallow enough for him to endure the pain for a while. He chokes on his blood. The muffled sounds make my dick hard. What a fucking waste of a life. I slowly lower his body to the floor being as quiet as possible. I close the door and lock the deadbolt before I look down at the motherfucker that almost ruined my girl.

“She was never yours to have Eric. She always had a mind of her own and a set of wings. You kept them clipped so that she couldn’t fly. Now I’m gonna love watchin’ her spread those fuckers and soar.”

He gasps for air as I step past him and rush to the bathroom. I cringe as I look at the bed he used to share with her. He lied to her there. He made her hate herself. Bastard.

I climb onto the fire escape and make my way down slowly. This fucked up shoulder is giving me hell. I’m still pretty pissed about it, but as soon as my feet hit the pavement I run. I jog close to the edge of the building and keep peeking around to make sure none of his assholes are there. When I don’t see any I start to move again, but then I hear it.


Well shit. They found him quicker than I would have hoped. I pick up my pace and head inside the third complex just like I told Carnie to do. I take the stairs to my left and jog up to the third floor. I’m sucking in air when I find the room I sent her to and am praying that she actually went into it. I turn the handle, step into the dark room, and let my eyes adjust as I look for her.

“Carn?” She doesn’t answer. Fuck. “Baby girl you in here?”

That’s when I hear it. A muffled cry. My eyes jerk to the corner to find her curled into herself. I walk toward her when her head pops up. She stirs up so many emotions within me that I can barely keep them all straight. When my eyes meet hers there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that I love this girl.

“You’re bleeding,” she says as she looks at my hand.

“It’s not mine. I know you have a past with him Carnie, and maybe you still loved him, but…” I let my sentence trail off not knowing how she might react to the fact that I just killed the man that she spent years of her life loving. The man she thought the world of is dead by my hands. Carnie slowly shoves herself off of the floor to walk toward me.

“I never realized what love was until I was with you. I know what I thought it was, but it wasn’t real. You’re real Viking. Whatever I feel when I’m with you is real,” she says which makes my heart clench. “I’m sorry that I messed up your life. It’s my fault he did that to your house. Your home.”

When she begins to cry uncontrollably I lose it. I grab her, pull her into my arms, and hold her as tightly as I can with my shoulder.

“You didn’t do shit but love me. No one has ever given me

that Carnie. Not since my parents anyway. I don’t think you

realize just how much that means to me.”

“What do we do now?”

“We gotta hang back in here for a while. They’ll have their boys scoutin’ the area in no time. After that we get to a phone and get someone to come pick us up,” I tell her breathing her in.

“What are we going to do until then?” she purrs as she sniffles back her tears.

I chuckle and pull away from her long enough to look into her eyes and ask, “What did you have in mind?”

“We’re in a dark room. There’s no one around. Hmmm. I can think of a few possibilities.”

“Don’t forget I’m injured here. You’re gonna have to do all the work baby girl,” I tell her nodding toward my shoulder.

She smiles up at me and the soft light coming in through the window cascades around her.

“I think I can handle that.”

“Well in that case let me just check the door to make sure it’s locked up tight.”

I step back from her and turn to Copyright 2016 - 2024