SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,143

the door. After checking the lock and shoving an older dresser in front of it I turn back to see Carnie standing there in nothing. My eyes travel over her body and I admire the way she’s put on some weight lately. It fills her out nicely. Makes her more womanly and soft. Fuck my cock is straining to get out of my jeans and get at her. I take a few slow, deliberate steps toward her. She smiles at me. “Can I get to work now?”

Chapter 24


“I’m really worried about that bone Viking. An x-ray can rule it out,” the doctor tells him as we sit in the clubhouse. His good hand is wrapped tightly around mine.

“No fuckin’ x-ray. Just patch me up doc. I’ll live,” he says looking at me with a grin.

The guys are all huddled around us watching and listening as Viking fills them in on what happened. They’re all pissed as hell, but someone is missing. Fin. Mason said he called him and his only response was voicemail. It kills me inside that I’ve hurt him this bad.

“Can we get some drinks?” Viking roars which makes everyone laugh.

The girls scurry off to get the drinks. The guys sit around waiting for the doctor to leave. I just sit silently next to Viking rethinking everything that’s happened. I was scared to death Eric would really follow through with his plan. I really thought I might never see Fin or Viking again. I didn’t question his motives. Eric was a different breed of man. He wasn’t like Viking. He couldn’t take no for an answer, but Viking was okay with a no.

Once the doctor finishes up Viking releases his grip on me. He heads toward the bar to grab a bottle of Jack before the door opens. Everyone freezes as we’re all still on edge. Fin walks in with Molly right behind him. I let out a sigh and stand up from my chair. His eyes catch on mine and there’s nothing to be said. Tears fill my eyes as I run to him. He moves toward me at the same time. He catches me when I leap into his arms. Hugging me tightly he keeps me pressed against him as I cry.

“Thank god you’re okay baby girl,” he whispers in my ear. I hang onto him as tightly as I possibly can. I never want to let him go.

“We need to talk Carnie.”

I nod my head when he goes to pull away. He grabs my hand in his. We both look over at Viking and he gives a slight nod before Fin pulls me down the hallway. He stops in front of one the rooms and opens the door, ushering me inside. I find my way to the bed and sit down on it as he runs his hand through his hair.

“I was scared to death when they called me Carnie. They told me Viking’s place blew up, and fuck I thought I had lost you,” he says which makes me sob even harder.

“They took us from there,” I tell him.

“Do you really care about him? He’s so much older than you. You know I’m not one to make a big deal about age, but fuck Carnie.”

“I know Fin. I know this isn’t what you wanted for me. It isn’t what I was looking for either. It just happened. I swear to you I was only trying to do what was best, but Viking’s different. He lets me see parts of him that I’m not sure many others ever get to. He understands me and knows what I want in life. He pushes me to do it. I love him Fin.”

Fin closes his eyes and sucks in a big breath. He’s silent for a long time before he opens his eyes to look at me.

“I’ve only ever wanted you to be happy. I’ve tried all of my life to give you that. Somewhere along the line you grew up and I lost that connection to you,” he says.

“No. We have a connection Fin. You didn’t lose me. I lost myself. I found me again though. Viking reminded me of who I was. He pushes me to be what I want to be. He’s told me I should enroll in college.”

His eyes widen as he looks at me. “He did?” I nod my head and Fin walks closer to me and drops down on the bed next to me. “I’ve been so wrapped up in dealin’ with Copyright 2016 - 2024