SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,141

that small connection. He grabs the blade and shifts himself back into his spot. I watch him as he shifts forward. He’s no doubt trying to manipulate the blade so that he can free himself. Eric’s lackey buddies leave the apartment and I sigh in relief.

“Eric can we please talk this over?” I plead with him.

He shakes his head, pulls out his phone, and steps out the front door. He keeps it propped open slightly so that he can hear us. I wish this shit was over with already.

Chapter 23


She’s a sneaky little thing. I thought she was just a little horny with all the excitement at first, but once I saw that blade glistening in her fingers I knew I was dead wrong. I also felt the warmth of blood on it when I took it and that made me wonder how bad her cut was. I slice through the zip tie, free my hands, and keep them behind my back until I know Eric’s on his phone. When I can hear his hushes talking I move.

“Is there a back way out of here?” I whisper catching Carnie’s attention.

“There’s a fire escape outside the bedroom window.”

“I want you to back up slowly until you’re against me. I’m gonna cut you loose. I’m sure he’s got his boys out front somewhere. Here’s the plan,” I begin to tell her while I’m checking to make sure Eric isn’t peeking in on us.

Carnie shifts and I cut the zip tie free. I hold her hands in the same position. She gasps and I give her a quiet chuckle.

“I’ll have to remember to tie you up later. For now though we need to move as quietly as possible. We can’t slam the door or he’ll hear us, yeah? I want you to go to the fire escape. When you get to the bottom you run. When you get to the third complex down, go in through the back door. Go up to the third floor. There’s a maintenance room there. Shut the door and get behind whatever you can. You wait for me. If I’m not there in thirty minutes then you run down the hallway screamin’ for help. Someone will call the police. You got me?”

Carnie shakes her head rapidly turning her head to face me. “I don’t want to leave you. Please don’t make me.”

I release her hands and pull her face to mine. I kiss her quickly. Then I push her back.

“We have no other options. My shoulder’s fucked. I can’t fight more than one or two of them. I need you to go. I’ll be right behind you Carnie,” I try to assure her.

“No,” she says firmly as anger courses through my veins.

“Carnie I fuckin’ love you, but I can’t fight you on this. I need you to be safe okay? With my shoulder fucked I can’t hang on like you can. You’ll move quicker without me. I promise you I’m comin’. Get over there and wait for me,” I say holding her face inches from mine and watching her eyes.

“You love me?”

Fuck me. Of everything I just told her that’s what she hears?

“Yeah I do. Now get the fuck outta here. For me,” I tell her quickly.

She nods her head and I press one last kiss to her lips before I shove her off the couch. My eyes stay on Eric as she slowly moves through the room. I could kill the fucker with this blade. The idea sends a chill up my spine. I hold the blade in my hand and move to stand behind the door. I’ve always liked having the element of surprise on my side. I can hear him say to hurry the fuck up before his footsteps come back toward the door. The door shifts and he walks in.

“Shit,” he roars.

I know we don’t need the extra distraction of his boys coming in. I reach for him with my bad arm before he moves anymore. I’m holding him around his throat. I pull him back to my chest and bring the blade around to the front of it.

“I’d say I had a good time, but I really didn’t. Hope you realize just what you’ve sent your boys into,” I whisper in his ear.

His body trembles a little which only serves to excite me more as he asks, “What the fuck do you mean?”

“Did you really think you could just demand money from a group of bastards like us? Did you not do your Copyright 2016 - 2024