SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,117

My hands will be all over that sexy little body of hers. Her cries will be mine. Her orgasms will all come from me.

When I pull back she’s breathless.

“I’m not askin’ you darlin’. I’m takin’ you. You wanna run? Now is the only time to do it. You walk outta this room right now with that box and I’ll leave you alone.” Carnie studies my face looking for something. A way out maybe? I don’t know, but when she hands the box back to me and turns to leave the room I know I’ve got her.

I chuckle and put the box back in my bag. I grab the board shorts out of it and toss them on the bed. I’m ready to hit the water and have a little time to relax.

“You ready to head out? The prospects are settin’ shit up and gettin’ everything arranged,” Mason yells through the door.

“Yeah. I’m changin’ now. Meet you out there,” I call back.

I change quickly, grab a towel from the bathroom, and head out the side door. The beauty of our beach house is that it’s right on the beach. No need to wade or walk through a ton of people. This is all ours. We own it.

I toss my towel onto the sand and glance around. The hot Florida sun beats down on my skin, but it’s welcomed. The breeze flows in off the ocean and cools everything around me. My eyes flicker to where Carnie stands near the water with a long t-shirt hiding her body from my eyes. I don’t like it one bit. I want to see her body and take her in.

“Hey Viking. You got a minute?” Fin asks. I nod and pull my eyes from his sister.

“What’s goin’ on?” I ask him.

“Whit said Carnie has lost a lot of weight. She said she looked pretty bad when she was changin’. I’m worried about her Prez.”

Fuck. I did not want to hear that. Ice runs through my veins and straight up to my heart. Her words from before are ringing in my head. Eric told her she was fat. He actually said that shit to her?

“You want me to talk to her?”

“Would you mind? The girls tried, but she wouldn’t say a word. I know she trusts you. I’m runnin’ the prospects into town for a food and beer run.” I nod my hand and slap a hand on his back.

“I’ll talk to her.”

Fin walks away as I stalk toward Carnie. Anger surges through me. It’s coating my veins. If he made her lose weight when she was barely big enough to begin with I will lose my shit. I will take my anger out on his ass.

“Take the shirt off,” I demand when I’m close enough to her.

She shakes her head and brushes the long strands of hair out of her face. “I’m not in the water.”

“Take it the fuck off. Now,” I roar louder.

She turns to look at me and that was her first mistake. I reach for her, grab the shirt, and tear it from her body. Carnie stands there stunned as my eyes rake over her body. There is nothing to her. She’s so skinny. It’s not normal.

“What the fuck did he do to you?” It comes out as almost a whisper.

“I needed to lose weight Viking. I was too big,” she brushes me off. She tries to walk away, but I grab her around the waist and lift her into one arm. “Put me down. Everyone can see you,” she whisper/yells in my ear.

“I don’t give a fuck. You can either act like you’re laughin’ or pissed off. Either way you’re gettin’ in that water and far enough away from everyone that you can answer me.”

I don’t stop moving. She slaps at me, but I just keep walking. The further I take her out into the water the more I know she can’t touch the bottom and we won’t be heard. It’s a win/win for me. She has no choice but to hold onto me and I can ask her whatever the hell I want. I let her go and her body falls under the water. When she comes back up she looks beyond pissed.

“Now answer me. What did he make you do?” Carnie treads the water with her eyes glued to mine.

“Nothing. He didn’t make me do anything. I wanted him to look at me like you did,” her words are like a stab to my heart.

“Like I did?”

“Like he wanted Copyright 2016 - 2024