SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,116

movements and I thank god for that.

“Yo Prez. We’re ready to head out,” Ink hollers through the door.

Viking chuckles. “Saved by the bell darlin’. Don’t you think of gettin’ on the back of anyone else’s bike but mine. You get me?”

Chapter 9


Fuck. I am in so much trouble with this girl. So much fucking trouble. Her fingers have been digging into my stomach the entire goddamn ride. I’ve given her one hell of a ride too. I’ve been making her giggle and hold on tighter to me. I can’t remember the last time I’ve smiled this much. I know that all of the guys are behind us, but I’m thanking fuck they can’t see my face right now. I don’t need them in my business. I don’t need them knowing how much this girl affects me.

As we pull up to the beach house my mind wanders to the idea of Carnie in a bikini. My cock hardens in my jeans to the point it’s almost painful. Carnie climbs off and takes off for the house with Whitley and Molly. I climb off and grab my gear before I follow along behind them.

“This house has seven bedrooms. Two downstairs and the rest are up. Carnie and I will take the downstairs. You guys can have your pick from the upstairs,” I tell Whitley. She nods and grabs Molly dragging her up the stairs.

“Who said I wanted to be downstairs with you?” Carnie snaps as she spins around and narrows her gaze on mine.

“I did. Now shut up and go put somethin’ sexy on to swim in,” I order her.

I push past her and our arms touch briefly. I don’t miss the gasp that falls from her lips either. Fuck. This is going to be one long ass vacation. I take my bag into the main bedroom. Carnie follows me in.

“I don’t want to do this with you Viking. Why are you fucking with me?”

I toss my bag onto the bed, turn to face her, and put my hands on my hips.

“You really wanna know why?” She nods.

“I beat a man to death the other day. He almost killed me first, but every goddamn time I saw it comin’ I saw you with that piece of shit you call a boyfriend. I hated it. I beat the fucker like he was your man.”

I see her eyes widen before she takes a step back. I shake my head to warn her not to run. I can see the look in her eyes.

“Yeah darlin’. I can’t get your face out of my goddamn head or the taste of your lips off my tongue. Now that makes my line of work a little bit hard. You get me?”

She nods her head slowly as she tries to comprehend everything I’m saying to her. It might not be the best way to word things, but it’s my way.

“I have a boyfriend Viking.”

“I don’t give a fuck Carnie. I told you that once. While we’re out here you are mine. Understand? He ain’t here. I am, and I say that you are mine to do whatever the fuck I want with.”

I reach for my bag and unzip it, pulling out the box. I toss it to her and she catches it. She looks down at it before her gaze jerks back to mine.

“Why did you bring this?” she asks when she sees that it’s her damn box. Yep. The one she left with me for my own use. That shit didn’t happen. I debated just throwing it away. I thought about using it on Tink, but at the end of the day all I wanted was Carnie, naked, on my goddamn bed, and with this box.

“What the hell did I just tell you?” I ask stepping toward her. I grab her around the back of her neck and pull her closer to me. “While you’re here, you’re mine. Say it,” I growl and flash my teeth. Carnie’s eyes are wild, but I can see how much she wants this. It’s all there in front of my eyes, but I won’t touch her until she tells me.

“I can’t do this,” she mumbles.

I silence her bullshit debate and crush my lips against hers. She won’t win, and I don’t give a fuck if Fin knows what’s happening. The thought of telling him has crossed my mind more than once. He doesn’t have to worry about his little sister while we’re here. She will be in very good hands. My hands. Copyright 2016 - 2024