Say Hello, Kiss Goodbye - Jacquelyn Middleton Page 0,48

god she’s adorable when she’s lost for words.

She closed her eyes and shook her head like she was erasing his impressive erection from her mind. “But if I text now…” Her lashes flickered.

Ha! She’s still gawking!

“Sarah’s a light sleeper and startles easily. One time, I called her late and she fell out of bed…” She cleared her throat, and the rest of her story died a quick death.

Tarquin paused, a wry smile on his face. “Really?!”

“Tarquin…” Leia blinked into the darkness, skirting all proof he wanted her again.

“Leia!” He crawled onto the bed, covering himself with the duvet. “Come on, stay. At least until the storm passes. Then, I’ll drive you home. I can’t have you wandering around London in the middle of the night—or have your sister falling out of bed, bless her.”

“You’d drive me all the way across London?”

Who the hell does she date? Obviously, no one with class or manners. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I? I’ll even let you play DJ. Or you can fall asleep on my shoulder. That would be nice, too.” He reached over and played with her hair. “Your choice.”

Leia’s face fell. “That’s…sweet,” she said under her breath.

“What’s wrong?” He snickered. “Worried I’ll discover you don’t really know all the Spice Girls lyrics?”

“Tarquin, I”—dipping her chin, she stared at the sheets—“I thought you and I were…” She let out a sigh.

“Were what? Hot for each other?” Smiling, he ducked his head, seeking eye contact. “Guilty as charged!”

Catching his gaze, she sucked in a breath and looked away. “You’re a great guy and I like you a lot…”

Oh, no! Panic shot through his veins. Fuck. This can’t be happening! Not again—not with her. He scrubbed his hands over his face, afraid to see her dread—or worse, pity. “Just not in that way, right?” Sinking into the pillows, he wished they’d swallow him whole and end his suffocating nightmare. “Was it something I did…or didn’t?” The tight ache between his inner thighs began to fade. “Oh, bollocks”—he dropped his hands to the duvet—“was I too loud when we—?”

“No! You’re amazing—sex with you is amazing. It’s just…” Her shoulders slumped. “I just got divorced—in November.”

“You were married?! For how long?”

“Almost four years. I should’ve ended it ages ago, but I couldn’t do it. He was my first love, and…”

Dammit. His mouth fell open. “You still love him?”

“No! Oh god, no.” Shifting back into the pillows, she tucked her hair behind an ear. “That ship hasn’t just sailed—it sank. No survivors.” Leia shook her head. “It was a horrible time. But now, I just want to enjoy myself, have fun.”

Oh! Well, I can do fun! Tarquin nodded and sat up.

“I assumed you and I were on the same page.” She hugged the duvet sheepishly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think you were looking for anything…serious.” She offered a tight smile.

Bollocks. If you ever want to see her again, you have only one choice—LIE. “Serious? Hell, no! I get it—I mean, I haven’t been married or divorced, but my heart’s been broken. Fairly recently too…last summer. So, trust me, I know where you’re coming from.”

Leia’s eyes widened. “Really? How’d you cope? It’s not easy, is it?”

He shook his head. “I went up to Orkney for a week. Fresh air, old friends, family. Had a good think and decided to keep things casual from now on.” Is my nose growing? Blimey, what you’ll do for a woman you fancy. “It’s been good—living in the moment, having a laugh—so, really, your timing couldn’t be better. I’m all about exploring my hedonistic side.”

Leia’s wince softened.

If she likes that, she’ll like this even more. “I’m not being cold, but I don’t have time for the distractions a relationship brings. All my energy goes into growing my business.”

“Oh!” She exhaled quickly. “Me too!”

Stay the course, Balfour—it’s working. “And hooking up has been a real confidence boost for me post-breakup. To be honest, it’s a huge relief to realize I’m still attractive to the opposite sex, that I’m still a good shag.”

“That’s so true!” Leia nodded with a half-smile. “I was with my ex for just shy of ten years, so…” She rubbed her neck and eased toward him, her fingers slipping into the overstuffed coziness of the duvet.

She’s opening up. Finally. “Really? That long?”

“Yep. When I left, I had this huge fear: what if no one else wants me ever again?”

She left him? After nearly ten years. Tarquin raised his eyebrows. What the hell happened?

“But after my divorce, I met this guy. We hooked up Copyright 2016 - 2024