Say Hello, Kiss Goodbye - Jacquelyn Middleton Page 0,49

a few times. It did wonders for my self-esteem, which was good because my ex basically destroyed it…” Her voice trailed off, like she had shared too much.

“Well, your ex sounds like an arsehole.” Tarquin’s hand moved toward hers, but he thought better of it and withdrew, pretending to brush fluff from the duvet. “You’re gorgeous and smart, fun to be with. You won’t have a problem finding male company—if that’s what you want.” Fucking right she won’t. But the thought of her with someone else… He scratched his jaw, soothing the tightness that idea created. You have to let it go. Don’t blow it by letting your feelings for her show.

“Yeah. I just feel out of practice, you know—meeting guys? But I love sex, so I’m not going to sit at home and wait for Prince Charming’s booty call.” She leaned in. “That said, I hope I wasn’t too forward last night.”

See! Look at the positives—she’s got this healthy attitude about sex, and she wants to have it with YOU. “No, not all! I think it’s great what you’re doing—hooking up, enjoying yourself. Hey, if blokes can, why can’t women? We think things have progressed, but the double standard is alive and well. It’s unfair, really.”

Leia’s face lit up with the smile Tarquin couldn’t get enough of. “Thank you! That’s how I feel, too. A woman shouldn’t have to apologize for liking sex outside of a relationship. Sex-shaming has got to stop.”

“Right? As long as we respect our partners and use protection, what’s the problem? We’re not hurting anyone. So, not only do I get where you’re coming from—I’m already there.”

“Oh, good.” She sighed. “I was worried I gave you mixed signals.”

“Nope. I know I asked you out at the pub, but…I was hoping we’d end up here.” Technically, that is not a lie. He brushed a lost eyelash from her cheek. “You’re amazing, Leia. I had fun tonight and would love to do it again sometime—the sex, not the skating.” He laughed softly. “If you’re interested.”

“I am.” An easy smile curved her lips. “Very.”

Yes! I’m quids in. His cheeks erupted into a grin. “Brilliant!”

Leia nodded. “But we need some—”

“More lube, I know! I think I’ve got—”

“I was gonna say rules!” She bit her lip, stifling a giggle.

“Oh. Yeah. Of course! Those too. Fucking rules.”

“Is that fucking rules…or”—Leia made air quotes with her fingers—“fucking rules?”

“Both?” With another laugh and a curt nod, he pulled back his eye-crinkling glee, replacing it with an all-business furrowed brow. “So, how do you want to do this? Are certain nights off limits? You tell me. I’m open to all reasonable offers.”

Leia smiled. “Any night is fine.”


“But no gifts, no drinks, no dinner…no breakfast in the morning. No date-like activities or hanging with friends. Just sex.”

No breakfast? She won’t stay over, like ever? Fuck. Tarquin fought back a frown and nodded. “Well, that sounds entirely acceptable and deliciously uncomplicated. Where do I sign up? Here…?” He pressed a kiss against her collarbone, then another, the second more slow and wet than the first, like he was tasting her for the first time.

Leia trembled, her pleasurable sigh drifting past his ear. “Tarquin…”

I am GOOD! He pulled back with a self-congratulatory smile. “Sorry. Got distracted.”

Her stare stalked his mouth while her hands played with his hair. “And you know it’s totally fine to have sex with other people, right? Just as long as we’re open about it and use condoms.”

Wait? I was—other people? Tarquin’s sunny grin darkened and his throat felt thick and dry like he had swallowed a lump of cotton wool. Pressing his lips tight, his gaze hopped to the incessant rain lashing his windows. He couldn’t look at her, the disappointment in his eyes too raw to hide. Even if this is a fling, I don’t want sex with other people! Does she?

“You should tell me if you want to get serious with someone else.” She squinted across the pillows. “Tarquin, are you listening?”

I’m still stuck on ‘sex with other people’! Raising his brows, he reunited with her stare. Pretend you’re fine with it. “Yes! Yep!” He shifted up on his elbow. “Yes, to all of the above.”

“Good, ’cause I mean it. I don’t sleep with guys in committed relationships. I refuse to be the other woman.”

She’s a girl’s girl—chicks before dicks. I like that. I like her. Fuck, how am I going to do this? He lifted his chin, trying to look casual and not bothered. “Well, that’s another thing we’ve got Copyright 2016 - 2024