Say Hello, Kiss Goodbye - Jacquelyn Middleton Page 0,47

windows. “It sounds horrible outside.” She yawned and glanced over Tarquin’s shoulder at the bedside table. “What time is it?”

He shifted and stretched to the far side of the bed. Picking up his Rolex, his hand grazed an empty bottle of lube, making it wobble on the spot. “Just gone one a.m.” He carefully placed the watch beside a half-full box of condoms and rolled back to the middle of the bed, nuzzling into Leia’s neck. Ah, this is my new happy place. I love a cuddle. His hand slid under her skirt, the pads of his fingertips leisurely tracing circles up and down her thigh. Tarquin could feel her body relax, the tension slipping away.

“Mmm, that feels nice.” Leia buried her nose in his hair as her fingers weaved through his thick, messy strands, twisting and curling. “How do you smell this amazing after sex?” She sighed, and her stomach released a long growl.

Tarquin lifted his head. “Hungry for more?”

She met his mouth eagerly, her hands holding his face. Pressing closer, she wrapped her thigh around his hip, preventing his escape—not that he wanted to.

The faint flavor of orange on her tongue, the squeeze of her thigh—skin against skin—Tarquin didn’t think he’d ever be satiated where Leia was concerned. He grinned into their kiss and rolled Leia onto her back. It’s been hours since she ate something. As much as I want more of this, I want her comfortable, want her to feel at home. He eased back from her lips, smile still intact. “How ’bout some late dinner? We never did make it to the kitchen. I’m a dreadful host—I owe you a meal, and a tour.”

She smirked, running her hands along his chest. “I like what I’ve seen so far. I’m very impressed.”

Me too. He pressed a smiling kiss to her lips. But show her you have other talents, too. “Let me make you something. Or we can wait until breakfast—it’s up to you. My homemade waffles and butties are legendary! My friends swear by them.”

“Butties?” She scrunched up her nose.

“Sandwiches—scrummy ones. Think bacon on thick buttery toast with brown sauce on the side. One taste and your life will never be the same.” Another jag of lightning danced across the sky. “And I have Canadian maple syrup for the waffles. I know that’s not exotic to you, but we could always find sexy places to lick it off of.” His tongue playfully lapped her chin.

Leia squealed and her hands straying downward, settling in the line of hair on his abs.

“Aren’t you glad I don’t snog like that?” Tarquin chuckled and plumped up the duvet around them, creating a cozy cocoon. “So, after our sticky, steamy breakfast in bed, we can have a long soak in my huge tub with yummy-scented bath stuff. Then, when we’re all blissed out, we’ll curl up on the sofa for a lazy Sunday of sex and movies. Then, some more sex.” A throbbing warmth grew between his thighs as her fingers caressed his stomach. Ah, I’m getting hard again. He brushed his lips across hers, teasing, hoping her hands would drift lower. “And later, if you fancy it, I’ll cook us a proper Sunday meal: a roast with Yorkshire pudding, fresh veg, roasties. Or if you’d prefer, we could cook together…” His cheeks flushed and his words floated away, his growing ache for her derailing his thoughts. Come on, Leia. Let’s make a day of it, get to know each other better.

“That sounds lovely, but I’m a disaster in the kitchen”—her hands slid up to his chest—“and I can’t stay. My sister…she’ll worry if I’m not there when she wakes up.”

Whaa? Tarquin’s hazy thoughts scrambled to get back on track as Leia sat up and tamed her bedhead. He rose up on an elbow. “You’re gonna go now?” His eyes jogged down the duvet, to where he pressed hard against the sheets. “But it’s bucketing outside—you’ll get drenched.” He scratched his temple and looked across the bed, struggling to ignore the hot tingling in his groin. Focus! Get back in the room! “Uh, let me find your phone. You can text her.” He flung away the duvet and leapt to his feet, the angry blisters on his toes and heels scrunching his face into a wince. “You took it out of your pocket…upstairs, right?” Mid-hobble, a flash of lightning illuminated his silhouette, showing off how eager he was for her to stay.

Leia stared, following him across the room. “Uh…yeah?”

Tarquin chuckled. My Copyright 2016 - 2024