Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,27

them both into hiding.”

“They love me, Alice. You know this will hurt them. If you keep me away, I’ll come back for them and take them the fuck away from you.”

She laughs. It’s cold and sarcastic. “You gave her exactly what she needed. You’ve served your purpose. Go to the station and give a statement.” I watch her as she goes back into the room. Who the fuck does she think she is, telling me if I get to see my kid or not? I follow her, and Hannah watches us both with suspicion on her face.

“She’s telling me I have to leave you and Molly, stay away,” I growl.

Alice glares at me. “Are you going to tell her why?”

“When we thought the accident was down to your job, I didn’t judge,” I yell and Molly covers her ears.

The door slams open and four police officers push into the room. I’m shoved hard against the wall with my arms twisted up my back. “I warned you,” snaps Alice. Molly is crying and I can hear Alice comforting her. Comforting my fucking girl. “Get him out of here,” she tells the officers. My wrists are cuffed and I’m shoved towards the door. I glance back at my girls. Alice is holding them both.

“It’s gonna be okay, Molls,” I say, adding a smile. “I promise.”

Chapter Nine


It’s been a long day. I’ve been pacing the house waiting for Vinn to return home from work. He works seven days a week, just like my father’s always done. But whereas dad worked in his restaurants, Vinn works in his nightclubs and bars.

I go into the dining room where Mum and Dad are seated. The house staff bring out domed dishes and place them in the centre of the table. “Is it family dinner night?” I ask, because I definitely haven’t received a text telling me to attend.

“Yes. Vinn called an hour ago. He needs to speak to us,” says Dad.

I take a seat. I hope he hasn’t got bad news to tell us because I really have to tell them all about me and Ricardo.

When Vinn arrives, he looks harassed. He shrugs his suit jacket off and loosens his tie. “Good day?” asks my mum brightly and I see the annoyance at her dumb question on my brother’s face. Mum realises and presses her lips together. “Sorry, habit,” she says and Dad pats her hand gently.

“I’m having issues with supplies,” says Vinn bluntly, taking a seat. He never discusses this kind of business in front of me and Mum, so I’m confused. “My supply from Italy is . . .” he pauses, choosing his words carefully. “Strained.”

“Supply of what exactly?” I ask. I have the right to ask, seeing as we don’t openly discuss his dealings.

“Drugs, guns, you fucking name it and I’m struggling to get it,” he snaps, grabbing a bottle of red wine and filling his glass. He takes a big drink, almost draining his glass before topping it up again.

“I’m sorry to tell you, dear brother, but I don’t know any dealers in drugs or guns who could help you sort that little issue out,” I say and he glares at me.

“You think this is a joke, Gianna? Will you still laugh when we lose everything? When Giazilla closes?”

“My business runs itself. I don’t ask you for anything,” I snap.

“But it will be the first to go when we have to sell it to save the family,” he growls, slamming his hand onto the polished oak table. The cutlery clatters and my mum jumps with fright.

I take a deep breath. “Those things don’t pay for our businesses. Surely, they make money to pay for themselves?”

Dad sighs, rubbing his brow. “It’s not about the money, Gia. We have agreements to adhere to. If those things dry up, these men . . .” He glances at Vinn and shakes his head sorrowfully. “They will demand payment to release us from our end of the agreement.”

“I have a meeting with Riggs in an hour. He has agreements of his own and if I can’t supply him, then he’ll need to look for another supplier while I sort this shit out.”

“And Ricardo?” asks Dad. I snap my head up and stare at Vinn.

“He’s trying to help, but without Gia making her decision, he’s holding off a little.”

“You mean Ric can help?” I ask.

“Maybe.” Vinn shrugs. “His name is everything in Italy. It counts for much more than ours since we have lived in England for so Copyright 2016 - 2024