Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,26

“Pregnant?” she repeats.

“Yeah. I need to make sure she’s okay with it first and then I’ll come and see your brother, make things right with us,” I say. I know I’m not making any sense and as I pull up outside the huge, black metal gates to the Romano home, I stare at her.

“Pregnant by who?” she asks.

“Me,” I say, cringing as the words leave my mouth. I’m completely fuckin’ this whole conversation up. My phone beeps and I glance down at the message from Alice telling me to get to the hospital quickly. Hannah is awake. Relief floods me.

“You said you weren’t with her, that you were over,” snaps Gia, bringing my attention back to her. I’m aware that I have a smile on my face and it infuriates Gia.

“We are. I can explain—”

“Don’t fucking bother. Whatever the reason, she’s pregnant with your kid. That means you aren’t over. You’re bringing another life into the world together. You shouldn’t be anywhere near me. And just for the record, if your daughter wasn’t in the car right now . . .” She slams the door but smiles at Molly as she opens the back door to retrieve her bag. “It was nice to meet you, Molly. Take care.” She then glares at me, finishing her sentence, “I’d slap you.”

I watch Gia storm towards her house like a fired-up lioness. She’s hot when she’s mad and jealous. I don’t have time to get into it now, but it’s not finished. I’ll pick this conversation up again.

Hannah’s eyes flick to us as we go into the room. Alice hugs us both. There’s relief on her face. Hannah’s still wearing a collar to protect her neck, so I place a gentle kiss on her head. “You know how good it is to see you awake?” I ask. She gives me a weak smile.

“Can you stay with her? My boss called me, he’s got an update on the accident, so I need to call him back,” says Alice. I nod and she leaves the room.

“Did Alice tell you the good news?” I whisper into Hannah’s ear then make eye contact. “We’re pregnant.”

“Really?” she asks, her voice breaking with emotion. “It worked first time.” She was certain it would take a few rounds before she caught pregnant. She’s only a couple of weeks, but the doctors did blood tests when she was first admitted and confirmed it.

“What can I say? Just call me super sperm.”

The door opens and Alice comes in. She looks annoyed and her eyes dart between me and Hannah. “You didn’t tell me,” says Hannah, smiling.

Alice’s eyes narrow in on me. “You told her?”

“I didn’t know it was a secret,” I say.

“It’s something I should have told her seeing as she’s my partner,” snaps Alice. “We need to talk. Step outside the room.”

I smirk at Hannah. “Slight overreaction. Be right back, gorgeous.” I kiss her again but this time on the lips, just to annoy Alice.

Outside the room, Alice spins to face me. “It was your fault,” she hisses. “You and that damn gang you call a brotherhood.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? I told Hannah because it’s our baby, just like Molly. I have a right to be happy too.”

“I’m not talking about the fuckin’ kids. The accident. The reason she's in that hospital bed is your fault. The name Cobra ring any bells?”

My blood runs cold. “S’cuse me?”

“Yeah, I thought as much. He’s the reason. They caught the driver and he squealed. He was hired to come after my family!” she growls, poking me hard in the chest. “Because of you and that club.”

“He didn’t know about her. I kept that a secret when I was in Manchester.”

“Newsflash, you did a shit job because he does know and he paid a lot of money to have them hurt. Get your ass down to the station and tell them everything you know,” she warns. I shake my head, backing away from her. “Don’t you dare tell me this is club business cos I’ll arrest you right here, right now. You stay the fuck away from my family until this is done.”

“Are you crazy? That's my family!” I growl. “They’re safer with me around.”

“Have you seen the state of them, Azure?” she yells, gaining attention from nearby nurses. The use of my real name pisses me off and I glower at her. She doesn’t flinch, she’s got her cop face on. “Stay away or I’ll have you arrested and I’ll move Copyright 2016 - 2024