Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,28


“And that’s why you wanted me to marry him?” I ask quietly.

“But I saw in your eyes you weren’t interested,” says Vinn. “I knew the supply would dry up, which is why I approached Ric.”

“I thought we had more hold than him,” I say. Name means everything in our business.

“Here, in London, yes. But over there, in Italy, no. We need connections in Italy and Ric needs connections here,” says Dad.

“I’ll figure something out,” says Vinn, standing. “I have to go and see Riggs.”

“No,” I blurt out and he turns to look at me. “I’ll marry Ricardo. If it helps us, then I’ll do it.”

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” says Mum.

I nod. “I know. I want to do this. You and Dad married before you really knew each other and you’re happy,” I say. Mum smiles and takes my dad's hand. He smiles back, lovingly. “Maybe I can be too.”

It’s been a long ass week and I had the brilliant idea that Eva and I should close up the office early and head to the nearest bar. That just happens to be The Copper Trap, which Eva tells me is one of her and Anna’s favourite places to drink. She knows Cathy, the owner, very well and they are both filling me in on stories about drunken nights spent here. “I think we should always make Friday afternoons well-being sessions,” says Eva. Cathy goes off to serve another customer and we head off to find a table. “We could close up at three p.m. and come here for Prosecco and shots.”

“My liver wouldn’t take it,” I say, knocking back a Sambuca.

“You’ve been quiet all week. Talk to me,” she says.

“I’m fine,” I lie. She isn’t stupid. She’s been asking me the same question day after day and I’ve given her the same answer.

“Something’s wrong. It’s not just you. Vinn came to the club loads this week, stomping around and scowling. He wasn’t even happy to see Leia and he always smiles at her.” It’s true that my brother has an unhealthy obsession with Chains’ ol’ lady. A soft spot is how he refers to it. “Riggs is like a bear with a sore head. Cree is quiet, which I know is normal for him, so let's just say quieter than usual.”

“What about Blu?” I ask, hoping that it’ll change the subject. She hasn’t given me any updates on him and his ex. I haven’t asked because it hurts me too much.

“Oh gosh, where do I start,” she says dramatically. When I glare at her, she shrugs her shoulders. “What?” she asks innocently. “I didn’t think you’d want to know. You seemed upset with him.”

“Just tell me.”

“Well, he went and got himself arrested,” says Eva and I gasp. “Riggs was pissed. He had to pull some strings to get him out and it turns out that his ex is with a cop, so that made Riggs’ strings even shorter. Anyway, he eventually got him out by paying a stupid fine for public disorder or some shit.”

“What did he do exactly?” I ask.

“The cops said he was uncooperative when asked to leave the hospital. Riggs says that he’s pissed off at his ex’s cop-partner, who's now stopping Blu from seeing Molly.”

My heart aches for him. He loves his daughter and he’ll hate not seeing her. “What did he do to piss him off?” I ask.

“Not him,” says Eva, wiggling her eyebrows. “Her. She’s a lesbian.” She grins like she’s the queen of gossip and I laugh. “Not exactly sure what Blu did. Riggs wouldn’t tell Anna everything.”

“Shit, do you think it’s because his ex knows he slept with me?” I ask, panic causing my heart to thump hard in my chest. “Oh god,” I groan.

“Don’t be ridiculous. She’s clearly moved on to a woman. Blu doesn’t do it for her,” says Eva.

“Clearly not the case seeing as she’s pregnant with his kid,” I snap and Eva’s eyes widen.

“You knew that and didn’t tell me?” she accuses.

“You didn’t tell me first,” I counter and she laughs.

“Maybe they’re a threesome. You hear of people like that, sharing and stuff,” says Eva. She gasps. “Oh my god, what if he wanted you to join in and become a quad—” she pauses and thinks. “Is there a word for foursomes?”

“Now you’re being ridiculous.”

“Eva,” comes a deep, growling voice that I recognise instantly as Cree.

She pales slightly and then smiles sweetly and gives a little wave. “Hey, lover.”

“Hey, lover?” he growls. “You Copyright 2016 - 2024