Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,95

mine lifted, intending to take my anger out on him, but he captured it. Holding my other hand in his, he pushed me against the wall, brushing his mouth against my bare shoulder.

“What’s the matter? Don’t you like the monster your family created? I don’t like him either, Aria. However, I knew we needed a monster to fix what your line allowed to move through our land like a plague of darkness, reaching into the light. The dark witches stole all the prettiest things first and then cried foul-play when we finally fought back. I vowed to your grandmother that if she harmed Liliana in her tantrum, I would bring down hell on every Hecate witch ever created or born. Am I supposed to forgive their sins when my family lies in a crypt, dead from that evil bitch’s fit because I wouldn’t bed the whore or bow to her demands? I opposed her coming into my realm to sink her poison-tipped claws into our land! I vowed to stay the course I set before me. I am the head of the rebellion, Aria. I have over five-hundred thousand troops counting on me to follow through with my promise and end the witches’ reign of terror so that this world can begin to live again. I can’t change that for one girl whose company I’ve enjoyed.”

I swallowed, struggling against his grip while Knox watched me through narrowed slits. He chuckled, chewing his bottom lip as I looked away.

“I wish I could give you everything you wanted, but to do that, I’d have to let you go. That isn’t something I can do, especially now that I know how powerful you are. You exposed your power to a witch hunter. The one who craves to end powerful witches until none remain. Lord Carter would make it his only task to hunt you down and end your life before you ever fought against us.” Knox’s free hand came down, gripping my chin, forcing me to look at him.

“Carter is the one who brought me your mother, your aunt, and her daughters. He is very powerful and one of the few males who can siphon magic from witches, rendering them powerless against him with a single touch. Every lord within the Nine Realms agreed to this happening. There was not a single objection to the genocide of witches, Aria. Not a single one.”

“I am against this,” I growled, jerking my chin away from his touch. “I will escape you, and if Carter makes a play for me, I’ll end his life before he’s even seen it coming. I will fall in love and become a mother. I will let my husband fucking wreck me whenever he wishes. And you? You’ll be left with basic whores to warm your bed and ride your dick. Maybe your wife’s ghost can ride that cock without it hurting, now that she’s dead. Her spirit can keep you company while I am off making babies with someone who wants me for more than my dripping sex.”

Knox slammed me against the wall, wrapping his hand around my throat, pressing his lips against my forehead. “I know you want me to hurt you because my words cut deeply. You are just like me. I cut you; you cut me right back. I wrapped my fingers around your heart, and you’re digging your fucking talons into mine. You forgot one thing, little girl. I don’t have a heart anymore because I ripped it out and buried it beside my son. Now cover your pussy because we’re leaving, and you smell fucking delicious.”

“I’m certain my mate will decide how delicious I am. He’s the only one ever tasting me again. You? You and I are finished. Keep your teeth and your dick away from me, asshole. I don’t want you anymore. You and I are enemies, and enemies don’t fuck. You should have taken me when I offered myself because I won’t be offering it again.”

I shoved Knox away, turning toward the dress as he rattled. My spine arched as he continued, growing in volume until I gasped, dropping to my knees. My ass lifted and lowered as if he was behind me, fucking me. My hips spread, and my nipples pebbled. I gasped for air from the absolute control he held at that moment. Moaning loudly, I bucked for him to mount me, begging him with the scent my body released. He kneeled beside me, laughing coldly as my body pleaded Copyright 2016 - 2024