Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,96

for him to take what it offers.

“What’s wrong, Aria?” Knox asked huskily, pushing his fingers through my hair before forcing my head back, glaring into my eyes. “You need to be fucked, don’t you? Can I have what you’re offering me?” he laughed, letting his stare slide down the curve of my spine to where my ass lifted, and arousal escaped to run down my thighs from the rattle he made.

His fingers slid through the mess slowly, the tips pushing against my slit, causing a silky purr to escape my lips, moaning with need. It was a violent need, all-consuming, to be taken by him and only him. Knox didn’t alleviate that need, choosing to remove his fingers instead. He held the arousal coated fingers to his nose, breathing in before placing them near his mouth, licking them clean as he moaned.

“Do you know what you taste like, Aria?”

My body trembled from the way his pupils had fully dilated. His need for me shone from within the stormy depths while he held my stare. He replaced his fingers against my sex, watching as I pushed my body onto them, using them to calm the storm he’d created. The need was primal and instinctive. It was like he’d bypassed me and went straight to the animal within. I shivered, glaring up at him, rubbing my core against his fingers. He slowly slid them against it for me to use, holding my eyes prisoner.

“This is mine, and if you ever allow anyone else to touch you, know that you’re signing their life over to me. I won’t even kill them, Aria. Instead, I’ll make him watch me take you, seeing your full submission as you beg me to fuck you. At night, I’ll whip him so you can witness him bleeding out. You would know that he died while you lay in my bed, curled around my body, drained from being fucked until you were too exhausted to argue it. I am the fucking King, but more than that, Little Monster, I am the strongest and the most primal monster in all Nine Realms. I am stronger than you even. I’m not only fireproof, my sweet little witch. I’m immune to dark magic, which is why I am the head of the rebellion against you and your bloodline. So be a good little girl, pull your shit together, dry your pussy off, and behave for me. I’d hate to have to assert my dominance over you and your infant creature in front of my army. You want to take a shot at me? I’ll take a shot at you. Leave my fucking wife out of your mouth. She’s suffered enough because of your fucking bloodline, and so have I.”

I didn’t speak, didn’t move from the floor as he rose, moving away from me. I fought a sob that was building in my throat as tears of anger and frustration burned my eyes. Pushing from the floor on wobbly legs, I fought to remain upright. Knox chuckled from behind me. Grabbing the panties, I slowly bent forward to step into them, but he made a tsking noise, forcing me to pause. He turned me around and lowered himself, and I lifted my eyes, staring at the ceiling.

Knox didn’t touch me as I’d assumed he would. Instead, he used a soft wet cloth to remove the arousal coating my thighs. He pulled up my panties, standing to brush his lips against my shoulder, before slowly sliding his mouth to kiss the pulse at the hollow curve of my throat, ignoring my labored breathing.

“You want a monster? Here I am, Aria,” he growled, watching as I refused to speak or look at him.

He grabbed my hair, forcing me to face him. His smile was cocky, knowing full well I could hardly move from whatever his rattle had done to me. It hadn’t been like any of the rattles he’d used on me before.

Knox reached behind me, grabbing the slip. He placed it over my head before sliding it on, pushing my arms through. I stood there, glaring at him, unable to move. Next, he pulled me against him, wrapping a red corset around my waist, tying it in front. He slowly threaded the ties together as his fingers continually touched against the thin slip pressing against my breasts. Leaning over, his mouth touched my shoulder, and his teeth slid against it. A soft rattle escaped his throat as he finished, reaching for the outer dress Copyright 2016 - 2024