Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,223

I rattled huskily.

I was more creature than myself, and yet I was in control. I’d stared at my eyes for twenty minutes, watching the gold flecks dancing within the darker turquoise depths. Knox answered me loudly, but his rattle wasn’t one I intended to acknowledge, knowing I held all the control in the mating hunt.

I was the huntress, and he was the one who would answer me with the right call or not at all. I purred, crouching before hissing, expelling a low rattle in a sultry song that rustled through me as his eyes grew hooded and begun smoldering with heat.

“Felt that one in the balls,” Lore snorted. My eyes slid to his, echoing the sound as Lore dropped to his knees. “Consider this my surrender, Aria. Mount daddy. Daddy needs you, baby girl. Come on. I’m right here.” I hissed, and his eyes narrowed. “She just rejected my dick flat out, didn’t she?”

“Indeed, she did,” Brander growled, rattling to gain my attention. I glared at him, watching as he exhaled. “I think she’s still peeved that I tried to kiss her on a bet.”

“Look at her eyes, she’s—stunning,” Fade stated, his rattle low and soothing as he gazed at me.

I rattled loudly, threatening them all, causing Gideon to step back, pressing his back against the wall. His chest rose and fell in fear that smelled enticing, drawing the predator within me to him for the easy meal. I felt Knox before he moved. Jumping into the air, I flipped backward, landing on the other side of the library, hidden within the shadows.

Knox turned, staring into the shadows, searching for me with anticipation echoing through him. His scent was primal and heady to the monster I’d released. I wanted him in the worst way imaginable. I could feel his need matching mine, pulsing hungrily through the room. The need to capture and conquer fueled him as it lit every cell of my being with the need to do the same.

“What the hell is she?” Mateo asked. When it came, his rattle made my spine arch, releasing my scent, and Knox turned, zeroing in on my location.

I moved with speed, slamming into Knox, taking him with me to the floor. I flipped midair, using my legs to send him sailing through it until he landed on his feet. He slid to a stop, fluidly standing from his crouched position, facing me.

I prowled toward him as my teeth retracted, and my claws slid into my nails. He lowered his head, and his mouth slanted into a sinful grin. Knox’s eyes changed to onyx with golden sparks burning within them, mirroring mine as he merged with his beast, becoming both while holding his human form.

“Who are you?” Knox asked, and I rattled loudly.

My mouth opened, and the ancient language slipped free, rattling and purring until he swallowed, closing his eyes as his hands tightened into fists at his side. The other men within the room exhaled a sultry purr, floored with the language and sounds I made.

Knox’s smile darkened with desire, slowly cocking his head to the side. He’d heard it, creature and woman speaking to him in a language only we could understand. Knox stepped forward, rattling. I laughed huskily at his attempt to bring me to my knees with his mere scent and rattle alone. I vanished before his eyes, appearing in front of him, ripping his shirt off to reveal the muscles beneath.

“You want me. Come and get me,” I taunted before vanishing into the jetstream as Knox turned toward where I stood on the opposite side of the room. He rattled loudly, and my body ached, curving my hips as he slowly walked to me. Knox released his scent, sending it straight to my core that tightened with the need to bow to him and surrender beneath the dominance he promised.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Knox asked, turning his head to discover the large nest to which I was luring him. He halted, noting that I’d filled it with shredded pieces of stuffing from his bed, or what was left of it. Sheets covered the material, creating a soothing, soft place for us to mate. “You made us a nest, Little Monster,” he whispered huskily, a cocky grin playing on his generous mouth. His brothers all inched forward to see my creation, sending fear rushing through me with their combined scents, getting too close to the nest I’d made to mate.

I rattled loudly in warning, and Knox Copyright 2016 - 2024