Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,224

peeked over his shoulder as the men moved closer, taking in what I’d done. He rattled low in his chest, matching my warning before his attention slid back to me, finding me gone.

I studied him from my perch, noticing his eyes had turned to match mine this time. Instead of the fiery sparks that had burned within them, golden-hued flecks were dancing in their endless depths. He’d freed himself to be both beast and man, to handle what I’d done, intending to claim him fully.

“Gods damn. That’s a nest,” Fade stated.

“No shit? Isn’t that what Knox just said?” Mateo snorted.

Gideon lowered himself to touch it, but paused before he could. His eyes lifted, hearing me zipping around the room, getting closer to him. I placed my scent all about them, and Gideon’s eyes lifted, finding me directly above him on a shelf. I crouched forward, purring in warning, preparing to defend my territory.

“Get the hell away from her nest, now,” Brander hissed in a low warning. “The last time someone other than Knox touched it, she went psycho. It was cute, but she didn’t seem to think so. The only thing going into that nest is her and Knox.”

“That’s amazing,” Gideon said, purring up at me while I watched him through narrowed slits. I crouched even lower, fully intending to protect it with my life. He stood, slowly backing away as Mateo and Brander stepped between Gideon and me, realizing that I would rip Gideon apart before I let him touch my nest.

Knox used my need to defend our nest against me, slamming into me as he chuckled darkly. His fingers pushed through my hair, preparing to claim my throat, but I slammed my hand into his mouth. I forced Knox back as he went over the edge of the bookcase, landing on his feet once more. He growled angrily, staring up at me as I smiled down at him.

“You want it rough, Little One?” Knox’s eyes burned with a fire that threatened to consume me. “Last time, it took a week for you to sit without wincing.”

I purred throatily, the sound vibrating through the room as I called to him. Knox swallowed hard, running his hands over his mouth. He rattled his need back, telling me he would fight me to breed me. My mouth opened, and the sound that escaped was both rattle and purr, which gave him pause. It was bare-bones escaping my throat. It was both me and my creature, promising him dark desires that he would meet one way or another tonight.

“Battle of the sexes up in this bitch!” Lore chuckled, staring up at me before he lunged forward. He landed on the shelf, creeping toward me before I dove, sending him back to the floor in a heap of limbs, hissing at him in warning. “Ouch! That wasn’t nice, Aria!”

“She’s not fucking playing, Lore. You need to stop being stupid before she actually hurts you. Aria intends to claim her mate, and that’s a battle you aren’t ready to wage,” Brander growled, pushing Lore behind him as he bared his teeth, rattling.

My spine itched, and I let the rattle build until it boomed out of me as I rose. It was a carnal sound, dropping the men to their knees while Knox watched with fire blistering in his eyes. He opened his mouth to rattle, and I slammed into his body, wrapping my legs around him, claiming his mouth hungrily. He moaned, mirroring my rattle, shredding the dress I wore, before turning my body to slam me up against the wall.

Knox’s hands captured mine, pinning them above my head, pulling back as I purred against him. My legs wrapped tighter around him as my full scent escaped, and his eyes grew hooded. I felt his erection and purred louder, inhaling his mating pheromones until it sent me into a frenzy.

Knox barely got his pants off before I freed my hands and hit the floor, forcing him up against the wall. I used his shock against him, dropping to my knees, ripping his pants down the rest of the way, enjoying the sound of the clothing being destroyed. I took him in my mouth and up to the base as he cried out, shielding us from the others, before dropping his head back against the wall while I moaned around him.

“Extending jaw time!” Lore’s tone was filled with interest and awe. The others shuffled closer, but Knox turned, glaring at them, using his hands to Copyright 2016 - 2024