Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,222

to look at her before narrowing my eyes on Brander. “You want to tell her?” I asked, watching Brander snort before running his hands over his mouth.

“In the event Knox is unable to lead, I will take his place. I am his heir since I am the second-born son.”

“And the High King?” she asked, sliding her eyes toward Killian.

“Aria, because they won’t follow a witch,” I admitted, watching her anger spike. “If she kills me, they will crown her, and as they place the crown, they would remove her head and the threat she would impose without me here to handle her.”

“You’ve got it all figured out, don’t you?”

I smiled, standing as the others joined me. “I’m King, Celia. It’s my job to be ten steps ahead of everyone else. Gentlemen, care to accompany me to the library for some research?” Everyone rushed toward the door, drawn by the need to be close to the one woman they felt most.

Aria wasn’t just my wife. She was a beacon of hope that more like her were out there. After encountering Eva, and the woman who ran from us as Aria had tried to escape, we knew there were more out there. We just had to figure out how to get to them and show them we weren’t their fucking enemies.

It brought hope for new life and little monsters within the kingdom again. The thought of finding a mate was exhilarating to my men because I had subjected them to the beauty of Aria. Smiling, I left the cankerous bitch behind as I made my way toward the door.

“Knox? What about us?” Celia called to my back, and I turned, staring at her.

“Considering you are the sister of my deceased wife, I suggest you forget that there was a slip on my part that would lead you to believe there was an ‘us.’ You’re here because Killian asked me to allow it. I couldn’t care less where you go or who you fuck. I only care that you stay the fuck away from my wife. She may be my enemy, Celia, but make no mistake, she’s mine and under my protection. Break the law I granted, and I’ll snap your fucking head off.”

Chapter Fifty-Six


The room was dark when Knox entered, laughing at something one of his men said in the hallway behind him. He stopped dead in his tracks, and I studied him as he slowly lifted his nose, inhaling the mating scent I’d released for hours. Oceanic-eyes narrowed as he moved further into the room, followed by his men, drawn in by my scent.

“Why does your bedroom smell like heaven, Knox?” Lore asked, lifting his nose, rattling, and I echoed the sound.

All sets of eyes swung to where I would have been if I’d remained there. I was the hunter, and they were the prey. No noise escaped me as I silently watched Knox stepping further into the room. He rattled softly, and mine echoed it, forcing his eyes to where I sat on all fours, perched on a shelf, dressed in only the sheer material of the white see-through gown.

“What is she doing all the way up there?” Brander asked, his eyes studying me. I locked gazes with Knox, marking him as my target, lowering my head with him in my sights.

“Fuck if I know,” Knox admitted, narrowing his eyes on me.

I rattled a challenge, and Knox’s mouth curved into a sinful smile. He echoed it, and I let loose a soothing purr that caused his men to moan. His eyes slanted, and his attention moved to his brothers, who fought the urge to answer my call.

“You guys should go,” Knox warned, moving deeper into the library. Vanishing, I entered the jetstream to lose him while recalling my scent so he couldn’t trace me.

I watched him appear where I’d been standing, only to find me gone. Stepping back into the shadows, I studied the gracefulness of his form as he slowly turned, exploring the darkened space for me. His men didn’t move. They remained in the doorway, watching as Knox searched for me.

“She’s fucking hunting you, isn’t she?” Killian asked, his tone filled with awe.

“Indeed. And she’s controlling her scent. I can’t feel Aria or sense her within the room at all,” Knox admitted.

I lowered my form, zeroing in on him before I kicked him from the shelf on which he stood. He dropped to the floor, landing gracefully on his feet before he spun, staring up at me as Copyright 2016 - 2024