Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,221

Aria had almost claimed me last night. I’d felt her need, the compulsion to finish what she’d started, and yet she’d stopped short. I had a feeling Celia’s visit to my room had something to do with that.

“You shouldn’t have married her, Knox. You know nothing about her,” Celia continued, and I turned, taking in her face.

Celia was beautiful, but she didn’t hold a candle to Aria. Where she was cold, Aria had a fire that burned within me, raging out of control. Celia hadn’t even moved me when she’d pretended to enjoy my bed. Aria unleased hell against me, meeting me in passion and then some.

“I married, and it’s done. I know that girl better than I know you. I studied her, watched her, and charted a course that took us to an altar, making her my wife. I cannot undo it. I won’t allow it to be undone. Fucking deal with it and keep away from her. Any more stunts like you pulled in front of the court, and you will go home. Do you hear me? I won’t give you another warning.”

“She isn’t Liliana!” Celia snapped.

“And neither are you! I fucking know who and what that girl isn’t! You will watch your fucking tone inside this room. Do you fucking understand me? I’m not your fucking brother-in-law right now. I am the King of the Nine Realms, woman. Answer me,” I shouted, slamming my hand onto the table, sending drinks into the air as she gasped, shooting her chair back onto the ground to escape my wrath.

“I understand!”

“Good! Now, report.”

Killian glared at his sister as she righted her chair and smoothed out her dress before sitting. “We have asked the heads of the rebellion, and not a single one requested that Aria Hecate be kept alive. We went through the higher-ups as well, and nothing.”

I turned it over in my head and looked to Brander, who frowned. “That doesn’t make sense. We all heard the order. Who could hold enough power to fuck with our heads?”

“Witches,” Celia snorted, her hands shaking as she reached for her drink. “Ilsa could have wanted her alive to add to a grid, or maybe she wanted the murderous little bitch at her side.”

“It’s possible, but we’re covered in runes and spells that prevent her from reaching us with her magic. There’s also the fact that her magic wouldn’t work on me,” Knox admitted.

“You can nullify Aria. You did it inside Haven Falls. You’re her fucking kryptonite, and she’s aware of it. That will make her desperate to escape once we bring in her family. You plan to manage it, brother?” Lore asked, his fingers drumming on the table.

“If we knew where the fuck they were, I could. The thing is, Lord Carter’s body was returned in pieces by his army. They are all madly in love with a witch named Reign, who spelled them all. Carter broke the orders I gave him, which means I need to get back to what fucking matters, which is being seen in the army and running the fucking thing.”

“Aria’s family drew blood, which means you’re no longer bound to the oath you gave her on your wedding bargain. Is that going to be a problem?” Killian asked.

“Aria will end up murdering Aurora once she learns the truth about who she really is,” I scoffed, pulling the drink to my lips as I considered the pain she would endure when she discovered the truth.

“All the digging you had me do, and you don’t intend to use it against her?” Celia asked, her tone snide and filled with loathing.

“No, and neither are you.” I placed the drink back onto the table, sitting forward. “The silver-haired men following her are too close in their similar appearance for it to be a coincidence. Minus Aden, the one who wants to breed her. I think they’re family.”

“I’m surprised Aden didn’t chase her through our gates with the little show you gave him in the cave,” Killian snorted. “I know I wanted to.”

“You wish, Killian. Aria would chew you up and spit you out,” Lore goaded.

“Would she? Because I’m pretty sure she’d ride me through the gates of hell, and I’d let her,” Killian teased.

“Can you guys stop thinking with your cocks for five minutes? She’s a problem. You have a Hecate witch as your bride. It doesn’t matter what your other half is. If you die in battle, Knox, she’s the fucking heir to your throne,” Celia sneered

I smiled, turning Copyright 2016 - 2024