Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,220

wet and dripping onto my couch,” he rumbled.

“I could be dripping on your tongue, but you’re a dick.” I sat up, slowly curling my legs beneath me. I brought the book up to prevent him from seeing the smile cresting my lips. I could hear the pages crinkling, turning. His scent unleashed without warning, and I closed my eyes, shuddering.

“Doing okay, Aria? You seem to be trembling,” he teased.

My smile dropped with the book, sending my scent rushing toward him, and his expression faltered as his hooded stare captured mine. I looked pointedly at him, watching his chest rise and fall while he struggled against the scent my body was creating, one that Ember assured me would bring Knox to his knees.

Knox sat up, slowly placing his book aside, looking at me. I set mine down, closing my eyes against the scent that he intensified. I lunged, landing on him as everything unleashed within us. My body touched his, and I exploded. He grunted, groaning as our eyes met and held. My arms glowed, and his lit up as well. Trembling, I whimpered as Knox yanked me onto his lap, freeing himself to enter me hard and fast.

“I wasn’t even reading,” I admitted, hearing him chuckle.

“I was staring at your naked pussy the entire time, beneath the pages,” he grunted, devouring my mouth. I rocked against him, pushing my hands through his hair, fighting him for control of the kiss. Knox pushed me back onto the couch, thrusting slowly into my body even though we’d already finished before ever starting. The room darkened, and I pulled away, staring around the room while he smirked. “You feel so fucking good, Aria,” he growled, forcing my attention back to him.

I watched his eyes, holding them until I was screaming his name. I came undone around him until his body tensed, and he growled, lowering his mouth to my shoulder, kissing it as he pressed his throat to my lips. My tongue slid over his flesh, feeling him trembling against me. I felt his need for me to finish it, to claim him, yet I couldn’t. It had to be the right way. I knew when and where I would claim him, and he wouldn’t see me coming.

“Aria, please,” he growled, and yet I shook my head. Pushing him away, I stood to clean myself off before I moved to the fire, cradling my body.

I had to claim him, and if what Celia said was true, he’d helped force me to murder Amara. The thought made me nauseated. I shivered, even though the Ifrit’s flame blazed within the fire. Arms wrapped around me, and before I could figure out what he intended to do, his teeth sank into my shoulder. Then everything went dark around me.

Chapter Fifty-Five


Moving into the war room, I paused, sliding my gaze over Celia’s desperate outfit. Today, she squished her breasts against the top she wore, and her skirt was slit to her waist, exposing both thighs. Exhaling irritation, I stepped into the room, scanning my brother’s faces before Celia entered, taking her seat beside me.

Her hand immediately slid onto my thigh, skimming against my cock as if done on accident. My hand grabbed hers, placing it on the table as I gave her a withering look. It wasn’t a secret we’d been together once, which had been years after my wife’s death, with grief fueling a drunken rage in which she’d taken advantage. Not that I’d been innocent.

Celia had pretended to enjoy it, but I’d seen the fear and pain lingering in her eyes as I’d gone hard on her, unleashing the monster that needed an outlet. She’d bled, and I’d woken up with her still in my fucking bed, disgusted with myself. I’d tasted the magic within the air, knowing she’d used it on me to gain entrance into my bed and onto my cock. The bitch hadn’t been back to it after the first time.

“I told you to handfast the whore, not marry her,” she hissed.

“I’d be very fucking careful, woman,” I growled, sitting back to stare at Killian, who slid his attention to his sister, knowing what she craved and would never have. “You’d do well to remember who you are speaking to inside this room.”

“My apologies,” she rushed out, her hand immediately moving to my dick again.

I caught it before she could accidentally grab me again. I wasn’t stupid. I knew she wanted Aria to scent her on my dick. It wasn’t fucking happening. Copyright 2016 - 2024