Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,219

dragons. They were together, moving around with one another as smaller ones flapped their wings wildly, shrieking as the larger ones watched them play.

“They’re beautiful,” I swallowed.

“They were when they lived freely within the Nine Realms,” he agreed, lifting his hand, and a small, fiery phoenix landed in his palm. “Do you know what we call it when they mate together?”

“No, I never even knew they existed,” I admitted, not afraid to be truthful with the library. “I was never taught about them because we were told they didn’t exist.”

“They were real,” he stated, pulling me toward him, handing me the phoenix.

I cradled it in my arms, watching it as it slowly rubbed its head against my chest. Red eyes watched me, slowly blinking golden lashes. Something else flew toward me, and I held my hand out, and a baby dragon with shimmering green scales mixed with red crawled up my arm. My heart thundered with excitement, seeing the creatures of myth that moved over my arm and chest. I laughed softly, the first carefree emotion that felt real in a long time.

Knox’s image laughed, moving to wrap his arms around me, holding me. It didn’t feel like the library; it felt like Knox, causing a storm of sensations that rushed through me.

“Stop overthinking it,” he whispered against my ear.

He held his hands out, and both creatures leaped onto them. They turned toward one another, opening their mouths, sending red and blue flames into the air. Their fire connected, and sparks of gold ignited. I leaned back, watching the fire that blazed brightly.

“Imagine if they made a child together, one that could create both flames in one soul,” he swallowed tightly.

A noise sounded behind us, and the sensation of falling took hold of me. I landed on a couch seconds before a book slammed into my stomach. I yelped, sitting up in the tiny little nightgown the library had placed onto me. I held up the book, peering over the top to see Knox marching through the doorway. His eyes slowly landed on me before they slid down my body.

His mouth curved into a smile, and he spun on his heel, stripping out of the armor he wore. My eyes feasted on his body, drinking in the sight of his sinewy muscles. A fire crackled to life beside me as the lights dimmed. My eyes narrowed, slipping around the library with an accusatory glare.

Knox turned, grinning as his eyes took the same slow look around the library that I had just given it. He removed his shirt and changed into a pair of sweatpants. Holding up his hand, a book dropped from the sky, forcing my eyes to lift as he settled on the couch, stretching out beside me.

“I trust your day was uneventful, wife?” Knox asked, looking at me over the top of the Alpha Male’s Guide to Kama Sutra. “Interesting choice of books,” he said into the air, directed at the library as he dropped his eyes to the pages.

The book I was reading was The Art of War. I smiled, licking my finger to change the page. I lifted my eyes to him, and his head tilted while I studied his unguarded face. His eyes rose, and mine dropped, slowly sliding over the pages while seeing nothing. I brought my finger to my mouth and chewed the tip of the nail, peeking beneath my hooded lashes to hold his heated gaze that leisurely slid over my naked legs.

Swallowing hard, I shifted my legs, parting them slightly while lowering my eyes to the pages. I could feel Knox’s gaze on my naked sex. The hunger burning in his eyes floored me. I could feel the heat pulsing from the way he looked at it, slowly making me tighten with the need to feel him pulsing within me. I lifted my eyes to find him watching me.

“How was your day?” I asked, unable to keep the lust from filling my tone.

“Eventful, unfortunately,” he stated, lowering his book to sit up. “It helps,” he grabbed my book, turning it right side up before handing it back to me, “to have the book the right way when reading, wife,” he whispered, grinning.

A blush heated my cheeks as he lay back, lifting his knee, resting his left arm over the back of the couch. He held the book with one large hand and licked his finger, letting his tongue slide over it before he smirked, hearing the groan that filled my throat.

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